
[![commercetools logo][commercetools-icon]][commercetools] # sphere-product-type-export
ctp commercetools product-type export

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Travis Codecov npm semantic-release Commitizen friendly NPM version

A library that helps with exporting product-types from the Commercetools Platform. This library is built to be used in conjunction with sphere-node-cli.


  • Export product types from your CTP project
  • Creates 2 files - product type / attributes matrix and attributes list - that can be used to reimport product types


The configuration object may contain:

  • config: configuration object that may contain the following options
    • delimiter: the delimiter to be used in the csv (default: ,)
    • outputFolder (required): the folder used to store the exported product types and attributes
    • exportFormat (optional): output format, supported are csv, xlsx (default: csv)
    • encoding (optional): encoding used when saving data, supported encodings are listed here (default: utf8)
    • where (optional): where predicate used to filter exported productTypes. More info here
    • includeProductTypeInAttributes (optional): flag to be used when all the attibutes need to be exported
  • sphereClientConfig: see the sphere-node-sdk docs for more information on this


This module can be used as a command line tool as well as a node.js module.


Before using this module in the command line, install it with a global flag.

npm install sphere-product-type-export -g


Command accepts following arguments:

  • The --projectKey or -p parameter is required and contains a project key which should be used when exporting productTypes.
  • The --outputFolder or -o parameter is required and contains a path to an output folder where the output will be saved.
  • The --accessToken or -t parameter tells module if it should use access token instead of clientId and clientSecret.
  • The --sphereHost parameter tells module whether to use a different API URL.
  • The --sphereProtocol parameter tells module whether to use a different protocol.
  • The --where or -w parameter can be used for filtering productTypes before exporting.
  • The --exportFormat parameter specifies in which format (CSV or XLSX) shoud it save exported productTypes (default is CSV).
  • The --delimiter or -d parameter specifies what delimiter should be used when exporting to CSV (default is ',').
  • The --compressOutput or -c parameter specifies whether to archive export files after export is done (default is false).
  • The --encoding parameter specifies in which encoding should be exported CSV files (default is utf8).
  • The includeProductTypeInAttributes flag to be used when all the attibutes need to be exported.

To export all productTypes in the CSV format we can run this command:

product-type-export -p project-key -o tmp


Export successful!
  "errors": [],
  "exported": {
    "productTypes": 3,
    "attributes": 18

In the tmp folder there will be created two files attributes.csv and products-to-attributes.csv which describe exported productTypes.


If you want more control, you can also use this library directly in JavaScript. To do this you first need to install it:

npm install sphere-product-type-export --save

Then you can use it to export product types like so:

export ProductTypeExport from 'sphere-product-type-export'

const config = {
  sphereClientConfig: {
    config: {
      project_key: <PROJECT_KEY>,
      client_id: '*********',
      client_secret: '*********'
  config: {
    outputFolder: '',
    delimiter: '',       // default: ,
    compressOutput: '',  // default: false
    exportFormat: '',    // default: csv
    encoding: '',        // default: utf8
    where: '',           // default: ''
const productTypeExport = ProductTypeExport(config)

.then(() => {
  // done exporting the productType
  // look at the summary to see errors
  // the summary hast the following structure
  // {
  //   errors: [],
  //   exported: [<some-name>],
  //   successfulExports: 1
  // }


See CONTRIBUTING.md file for info on how to contribute to this library


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Philipp Sporrer
  • released 2/15/2017
