
Delete resources in SPHERE.IO.
sphere sphereio commercetools commercetools platform deleter deletion

commercetools Deleter

Build Status

With this component you can easily delete a bulk of resources on the commercetools platform.

Getting Started

Install the module with: npm install sphere-deleter


General command line options can be seen by simply executing the command node lib/run.

node lib/run

  Usage:     --projectKey <project-key> --clientId <client-id> --clientSecret <client-secret>


    --projectKey <key>              your commercetools project-key
    --clientId <id>                 your OAuth client id for the commercetools API
    --clientSecret <secret>         your OAuth client secret for the commercetools API
    --resource <resource>           the type of resource you want delete
    --deleteHours <hours>           number of hours to go back for deletion (lastModifiedAt)  [default: 1]
    --logLevel <level>              specifies log level (error|warn|info|debug|trace)       [default: info]
    --logDir <directory>            specifies log file directory [.]
    --logSilent <boolean>           use console to print messages                           [default: false]


Tests are written using jasmine (Behavior-Driven Development framework for testing javascript code). Thanks to jasmine-node, this test framework is also available for Node.js.

To run tests, simple execute the test task using grunt.

$ grunt test


In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using Grunt. More info here


Releasing a new version is completely automated using the Grunt task grunt release.

grunt release // patch release
grunt release:minor // minor release
grunt release:major // major release


We <3 CoffeeScript here at commercetools! So please have a look at this referenced coffeescript styleguide when doing changes to the code.


Copyright (c) 2015 Martin Möllmann Licensed under the MIT License

npm i sphere-deleter


  • Unknown
  • >= 0.10.0
  • Martin Möllmann
  • released 12/25/2015

