
Add license information to source files.
Pryv Licenser License

Source Licenser

CI npm

Add license information to source files. Checks target files, looks for existing license content and replaces it if needed. Supports header, footer, json and sibling license file content, with variable substitution and a couple of other useful features.



npm install [-g] source-licenser


Define a configuration file as per your needs (see below). You can use the licenser's own config file as a starting point.


source-licenser --config-file <config.yml> <directory>

Example: source-licenser --config-file ./config/licenser-config.yml ./

Configuration file

YAML (used below), JSON and JS are supported.

  <pattern>: # e.g. "**/*.js"
    <action>: # header, footer, siblingLicenseFile or json
      <setting>: <value> # see details of actions below

- <pattern> # e.g. git, node_modules
- ...

license: |

  <key>: <value>


Define search patterns for your target files in the files configuration object (see also ignore below). Usual glob patterns such as **/*.js are supported. For each pattern, define the action(s) to be taken:

header and footer actions

Respectively prepend or append license content to files. Settings:

  • startBlock (string): The starting line(s) of the license block, used to determine if a header already exists. E.g. /**\n * @license
  • linePrefix (string, optional): A prefix for each line of the license text. E.g. *
  • endBlock (string): The ending line(s) of the license block, used to determine where the existing header ends.
  • license (string, optional): Action-specific license text. Defaults to the root license setting (see below).

siblingLicenseFile action

Add a license file at the same level as the matching file(s). Settings:

  • name (string): The name of the license file. E.g. LICENSE
  • license (string, optional): Action-specific license text. Defaults to the root license setting (see below).

json action

Add/update JSON properties (mainly aimed at package.json). Settings:

  • force (key-value, optional): Properties to always set regardless of whether a value already exists
  • defaults (key-value, optional): Properties to set if not defined
  • sortPackage (true|false, optional): Ensure a consistent ordering of package.json properties

ignore (optional)

List file patterns to be ignored.


The license text. Can be overridden in action settings.

substitutions (optional)

Define variables that can be used in license or action settings with the format {NAME}. The following helper variables are built in (but can be overridden):

  • CURRENT_YEAR simply evaluates to the current (full) year, e.g. 2022
  • YEARS, when configured with start and end values, evaluates to end if start == end, and to start–end otherwise. end accepts the value CURRENT_YEAR. For example:
        start: 2020
        end: CURRENT_YEAR


npm test runs the tests with Mocha.

npm run test-cover runs the tests and outputs coverage stats with Istanbul.

npm run license-me runs source-licenser on itself.

The code follows the Semi-Standard style.



