
Securely build SOQL string from JSON-based query structure

soql-build Build Status

Securely build SOQL string from JSON-based query structure


import { buildSOQL } from 'soql-build';

 * Simple Query
const soql1 = buildSOQL({
  fields: ['Id', 'Name', 'Account.Name'],
  table: 'Opportunity',
  condition: {
    operator: 'AND',
    conditions: [
        field: 'Amount',
        operator: '>=',
        value: 5000,

// => SELECT Id, Name, Account.Name FROM Opportunity WHERE Amount >= 5000

 * Complex Condition / Order By / Limit / Offset
const soql2 = buildSOQL({
  fields: ['Id', 'Name', 'Account.Name'],
  table: 'Opportunity',
  condition: {
    operator: 'AND',
    conditions: [
        operator: 'NOT',
        condition: {
          field: 'Account.Name',
          operator: 'LIKE',
          value: '%a%',
        field: 'Amount',
        operator: '>=',
        value: 5000,
        field: 'Type',
        operator: '!=',
        value: null,
        field: 'StageName',
        operator: 'IN',
        value: ['Prospecting', 'Value Proposition', 'Qualification'],
        operator: 'OR',
        conditions: [
            field: 'Account.Owner.Username',
            operator: '!=',
            value: '[email protected]',
            field: 'Account.Owner.IsActive',
            operator: '=',
            value: false,
            operator: 'AND',
            conditions: [
                field: 'CloseDate',
                operator: '>=',
                value: {
                  type: 'date',
                  value: '2008-01-01',
                field: 'CloseDate',
                operator: '<',
                value: {
                  type: 'date',
                  value: 'TODAY',
  sortInfo: [
      field: 'Account.Type',
      direction: 'ASC',
      nullOrder: 'LAST',
      field: 'Amount',
      direction: 'DESC',
  limit: 1000,
  offset: 50,

// => SELECT Id, Name, Account.Name FROM Opportunity WHERE (NOT Account.Name LIKE '%a%') AND Amount >= 5000 AND Type != null AND StageName IN ('Prospecting', 'Value Proposition', 'Qualification') AND (Account.Owner.Username != '[email protected]' OR Account.Owner.IsActive = false OR (CloseDate >= 2008-01-01 AND CloseDate < TODAY)) ORDER BY Account.Type ASC NULLS LAST, Amount DESC LIMIT 1000 OFFSET 50

 * Function / Child Relationship
const soql3 = buildSOQL({
  fields: [
      type: 'function',
      function: 'CALENDAR_YEAR',
      arguments: ['CloseDate'],
      type: 'subquery',
      fields: [
          type: 'function',
          function: 'toLabel',
          arguments: ['Status'],
      relationship: 'ActivityHistories',
      condition: {
        operator: '=',
        field: 'IsTask',
        value: true,
      sortInfo: [
          field: 'ActivityDate',
          direction: 'DESC',
      limit: 5,
  table: 'Opportunity',

// => SELECT Id, Name, CALENDAR_YEAR(CloseDate), (SELECT Id, Subject, toLabel(Status) FROM ActivityHistories WHERE IsTask = true ORDER BY ActivityDate DESC LIMIT 5) FROM Opportunity

 * Group By Query
const soql4 = buildSOQL({
  fields: [
      type: 'function',
      function: 'MAX',
      arguments: ['CreatedDate'],
  table: 'Account',
  grouping: {
    fields: ['Type', 'Industry'],
    subtotal: 'ROLLUP',
    having: {
      field: {
        type: 'function',
        function: 'MAX',
        arguments: ['CreatedDate'],
      operator: '<=',
      value: {
        type: 'date',
        value: 'LAST_YEAR',

// => SELECT MAX(CreatedDate) FROM Account GROUP BY ROLLUP (Type, Industry) HAVING MAX(CreatedDate) <= LAST_YEAR
npm i soql-build


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Shinichi Tomita
  • released 11/8/2023

