
A Solidity parser built from a robust ANTLR 4 grammar

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A Solidity parser built on top of a robust ANTLR4 grammar.

Now maintained by the ConsenSys Diligence team! :tada:

You can find this new package in NPM at solidity-parser-diligence (


import parser from 'solidity-parser-diligence';

var input = `
    contract test {
        uint256 a;
        function f() {}
try {
} catch (e) {
    if (e instanceof parser.ParserError) {

The parse method also accepts a second argument which lets you specify the following options, in a style similar to the esprima API:

Key Type Default Description
tolerant Boolean false When set to true it will collect syntax errors and place them in a list under the key errors inside the root node of the returned AST. Otherwise, it will raise a parser.ParserError.
loc Boolean false When set to true, it will add location information to each node, with start and stop keys that contain the corresponding line and column numbers. Column numbers start from 0, lines start from 1.
range Boolean false When set to true, it will add range information to each node, which consists of a two-element array with start and stop character indexes in the input.

Example with location information

parser.parse('contract test { uint a; }', { loc: true })

// { type: 'SourceUnit',
//   children:
//    [ { type: 'ContractDefinition',
//        name: 'test',
//        baseContracts: [],
//        subNodes: [Array],
//        kind: 'contract',
//        loc: [Object] } ],
//   loc: { start: { line: 1, column: 0 }, end: { line: 1, column: 24 } } }

Example using a visitor to walk over the AST

var ast = parser.parse('contract test { uint a; }')

// output the path of each import found
parser.visit(ast, {
  ImportDirective: function(node) {


Gonçalo Sá (@gnsps)

Federico Bond (@federicobond)




  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Unknown
  • released 1/10/2020

