
treat a file system as a (very) minimal Solid REST server

Solid REST file

treat a file system as a (very) minimal Solid server


Implements a subset of the [Solid REST Specification]( for file-systems. Supports addressing the file system with file:// IRIs and returns an HTTP response object with appropriate status codes and headers. The library may be used stand-alone but is more likely to be used indirectly via rdflib and other Solid tools which support nodejs.

Not implemented: OPTION and PATCH (and therefore rdflib's Updater).

Note: this library incorporates and extends Thomas Bergwinki's excellent file-fetch

Using this library with rdflib other Solid Tools

Although this library may be used stand-alone, it is meant primarily for use with other Solid tools. This library is included in solid-auth-cli, the nodejs auth/fetch library for Solid which is itself included in rdflib.js and solid-file-client and (soon) query-ldflex. When used with rdflib.js in nodejs context, it supports all fetcher methods (load, putBack, webOperation, etc.) on local files and folders.

Here's how to use this library with rdflib:

const $rdf = require('rdflib^0.20.0');
const auth = require('solid-auth-cli^0.2.0'); // includes solid-rest-file
const store = $rdf.graph();
const fetcher = $rdf.fetcher(store,{fetch:auth.fetch});
  you can now use any rdflib methods excpet updater to 
  create, delete, access, and query file:// resources
  if you use auth.login, you can also move resources 
  between a remote Pod and your local file system.


This library expects IRIs that start with "file://" and are followed by a full pathname. A file located at /home/me/somepath/somefile.txt would be requested like this:


Note the three slashes in the pathname.

A GET request uses fetch() with a single parameter: the pathname of the resource requested. The resource is returned as a readable stream which will be the contents of a file, or, if a Container is requested, the stream will be a Turtle representation of the Container including a list of the resources it contains.

const fetch = require("solid-rest-file");
const path  = require("path");
const file  = "file://"+ path.join(process.cwd(), "foo.txt");
fetch( file ).then( response => {
    if(response.ok) {
        response.text().then( txt => {
        }, err => {"read error : "});
    else {
        console.log( response.status, response.statusText );
},err=>{"fetch error : "+err});

All other requests use fetch() with two parameters, the pathname and a set of options as specified in the Solid REST Specification. For example, to create a new Container at the location /somepath/morepath/newFolder

fetch( "file:///somepath/morepath", {
    headers: { 
        Link: '<>; rel="type"',
        "Content-Type": "text/turtle",
        Slug: newFolder
}).then( ...

As per the spec, this will fail if the containing folder "/somepath/morepath" does not already exist. Use PUT to create a resource and its container. PUT on a Container by itself is not suppoted.


  • POST Container
    • 201 on success
    • 404 if the Container of the Container does not exist
    • returns created path in location header
  • POST Resource
    • 201 on success
    • 404 if the Container of the new Resource does not exist
    • returns created path in location header
  • PUT Resource
    • 201 on success
    • creates Container of the new Resource if it does not exist
    • returns created path in location header
  • PUT Container
    • 405 method not supported
  • GET Resource
    • 200 on success
    • 404 if not found
    • returns body of resource as a readable stream in response.body
    • returns content-type in header
    • returns .acl, .describedBy, and type Links in header
  • GET Container
    • 200 on success
    • 404 on not found
    • returns turtle representation of ldp:BasicContainer as readable stream
    • returns content-type in header
    • returns .acl, .describedBy, and type Links in header
  • HEAD Container
  • HEAD Resource
    • 200 on success
    • 404 on not found
    • returns .acl, .describedBy, and type Links in header
  • DELETE Resource
  • DELETE Container
    • 200 on success
    • 404 on not found
    • 409 on Container-not-empty or other failure
  • All other methods
    • 405 method not supported

copyright © 2019, Jeff Zucker, may be freely distributed with the MIT license

npm i solid-rest-file


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Jeff Zucker
  • released 6/12/2019

