
A client & wrapper for CTA 'L' arrival data
cta subway chicago l public transit


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A client & wrapper for CTA 'L' arrival data.


$ npm install slow-zone


Make sure you have a CTA Train Tracker API Key.

import SlowZone from "slow-zone";

const client = new SlowZone({ apiKey: "afafafafafafafafafafafafafafafaf" });


getArrivalsForStation(stationId, options?)

Key Value
stationId A CTA station ID. See the CTA API Documentation for valid values.
options (Optional) Additional key/value pairs to pass through to the API. See the CTA API documentation for valid options.

Returns a Promise that either resolves with an array of objects, each describing a predicted train, or rejects with an error.

// Station: Logan Square
  .then(arrivals => /* do something */)
  .catch(err => /* do something */);

getArrivalsForStop(stopId, options?)

Key Value
stopId A CTA stop ID. See the CTA API Documentation for valid values.
options (Optional) Additional key/value pairs to pass through to the API. See the CTA API documentation for valid options.

Returns a Promise that either resolves with an array of objects, each describing a predicted train, or rejects with an error.

// Stop: Merchandise Mart (Southbound Platform)
// Example uses options to only return Brown Line trains
client.getArrivalsForStop(30091, {rt: "Brn"})
  .then(arrivals => /* do something */)
  .catch(err => /* do something */);

Follow This Train


Key Value
runId A train run ID. Likely something you got from one of the above API requests.

Returns a Promise that either resolves with an array of objects, each describing a station stop, or rejects with an error.

  .then(arrivals => /* do something */)
  .catch(err => /* do something */);

Response Structure

Slow Zone reformats and decorates the response from the CTA API to speed up common tasks. Note that all fields may not be present on all responses.

  "destination": {
    "id": 30182,
    "name": "Midway"
  "location": {
    "latitude": 41.87685,
    "longitude": -87.6327,
    "heading": 269
  "prediction": {
    "arrivalMinutes": 1,
    "arrivalString": "2:50 p.m.",
    "arrivalTime": "2014-10-07T21:50:27.000Z",
    "predictionAge": 3531786,
    "predictionTime": "2014-10-07T21:49:27.000Z"
  "route": {
    "class": "orange",
    "directionId": 5,
    "id": "Org",
    "name": "Orange",
    "run": 715
  "station": {
    "id": 40160,
    "name": "LaSalle/Van Buren",
    "stop": {
      "id": 30031,
      "description": "Service at Inner Loop platform"
  "status": {
    "approaching": true,
    "delayed": false,
    "faulty": false,
    "scheduled": false


Data about the final destination of the predicted train:

Key Value (Integer) The GTFS station ID of the final destination station (String) The name of the final destination station


Data about the predicted train's current location:

Key Value
location.latitude (Float) The current latitude of the train
location.longitude (Float) The current longitude of the train
location.heading (Integer) The current heading of the train


The prediction itself, in a number of formats:

Key Value
prediction.arrivalMinutes (Integer) The number of minutes until the train arrives at the station, rounded to the nearest minute
prediction.arrivalString (String) A user-friendly string of the time a train is expected to arrive. Formatted by Dateline
prediction.arrivalTime (Date) The date & time the train is predicted to arrive at the station
prediction.predictionAge (Integer) The number of seconds that have elapsed since the prediction was made
prediction.predictionTime (Date) The date & time when the prediction was generated


Data about the predicted train's route:

Key Value
route.class (String) The name of the route, lowercased for consistency
route.directionId (Integer) The directionality of the run. See the documentation for specifics, but as a general rule 1 is north & west, 5 is south and east (String) The CTA ID for the route (String) The name (color) of the route (Integer) A unique (that day) identifier for the run


Data about the station the prediction is relative to:

Key Value (Integer) The GTFS station ID of the station the prediction is relative to (String) The name of the station the prediction is relative to (Integer) The GTFS stop ID of the stop the prediction is relative to
station.stop.description (String) A description of the stop the prediction is relative to. Usually in the format "Service at ___ platform"


Flags that may affect the reliability or display context of a prediction:

Key Value
status.approaching (Boolean) Indicates that a train is approaching the station
status.delayed (Boolean) Indicates that a train has not reached the next waypoint by the time the prediction expected and it may no longer be accurate
status.faulty (Boolean) Indicates an issue with the train tracker system that prevents a prediction from being made
status.scheduled (Boolean) Indicates that a prediction is based on the preset schedule, not a train in motion. Frequently seen at the start & end of lines


Command Description
npm install Install dependencies
npm test Run tests


  • MIT
  • >=16
  • Jeff Long
  • released 12/6/2022

