
A documentation generator powered by Node.js and sloths.

Sloth Docs ๐Ÿฆฅ ๐Ÿ“š

A documentation generator powered by Node.js and sloths.

  • Converts markdown and generates static HTML files ๐ŸŒฑ
  • Supports custom themes and templates ๐ŸŽจ
  • Runs via CLI so you don't clutter up your app directory ๐Ÿงน
  • Integrated dev server so you can see changes as you edit โœจ
  • Built-in full-text search ๐Ÿ”
  • Pluggable ๐Ÿ”Œ


This project is a work in progress. There are still some things left to do:

  • Make the default theme prettier
  • Highlight the current page in the sidebar
  • Add a CLI command to initialize a new docs project
    • Generate sloth-docs.config.js if it doesn't exist
    • Copy to docs/ if it does exist
  • Add more plugin hooks
    • Hook to modify markdown before it's parsed
    • Hook to modify HTML before it's written to file
  • Add a baseUrl config so the docs can be more easily hosted in a subdirectory
  • Find original sloth SVG again and add attribution


It's recommended to install the CLI globally.

npm install -g sloth-docs


You can run the CLI without a config, but if you want to change the default config, create sloth-docs.config.js in the root of your project with one or more of the following options:

module.exports = {
  // The name of your docs site
  name: 'Sloth Docs',

  // The docs site favicon URL
  favicon: '/assets/favicon.png',

  // The docs site logo URL
  logo: '/assets/sloth.svg',

  // The directory that contains your markdown files
  docs: 'docs',

  // The directory where docs will be published to (WARNING! This directory is deleted and recreated on every build)
  dist: 'dist',

  // The name of the sidebar file
  sidebar: '',

  // The directory that contains the theme you want to use (defaults to the built-in theme)
  theme: 'your-theme-folder',

  // Optional plugins
  plugins: []


Run the CLI from the same directory as sloth-docs.config.js. The following commands are available.

# Launch the dev server and watch files
sloth-docs --serve

# Build the docs
sloth-docs --build

# Clean the dist directory
sloth-docs --clean

# List all options
sloth-docs --help

Creating Pages

Add pages by creating markdown files in your docs directory. Here's a sample file with all supported front matter properties.

title: Sloths Can Swim
description: Sloths are actually pretty fast swimmers!
template: default

# Sloths Can Swim

Lorem ipsum dolor amet...

Keep in mind that <h1> is a special tag and should only appear once at the very top of each page.

Creating a Theme

To create a theme, create a folder with the following structure:

- my-theme/
  - assets/
  - templates/
    - default.html


Every theme must have a default template called default.html. You can create additional templates and set them using front matter as shown above. Just use the name of the template file without an extension. For example, if your template is called custom-template.html use template: custom-template in your front matter.

Your template needs to tell the sloths where things should go. Do this with the following Mustache tags.

  • {{name}} - The name of the docs site
  • {{favicon}} - The favicon URL, e.g. <link rel="icon" rel="{{favicon}}" type="image/x-icon" />
  • {{logo}} - The logo URL, e.g. <img src="{{logo}}" alt="{{name}}">
  • {{title}} - The page title, e.g. <title>{{title}}</title>
  • {{description}} - The page description, e.g. <meta name="description" content="{{description}}">
  • {{{body}}} - The body HTML
  • {{{sidebar}}} - The sidebar HTML
  • {{{subnav}}} - The subnav HTML

Note the triple brackets for body, sidebar, and subnav. This is required so the HTML isn't escaped by the Mustache engine.

If any of the tags are omitted, the sloths will simply ignore them. Refer to src/themes/default/templates/default.html for an example.


During build, everything in the assets folder will be copied to the dist directory. This is where you can put styles, scripts, images, and other publicly accessible resources.


A Lunr search index is generated on every build and placed in dist/search/index.json. This allows you to provide a robust client-side search without the need for a third-party service. Next to the search index you'll also find dist/search/lunr.min.js which can be used to power the search.

For an example of how search works, check out Lunr's documentation. You can also refer to src/themes/default/assets/search.js for an example.

Creating a Plugin

Plugins look something like this. The sloths use the following hooks to modify pages are they're built.

module.exports = {
  name: 'Moar Sloths',
  author: 'Slothy McSloth',
  version: '0.0.0',

  // Content to be injected into the <body> of every page
  injectIntoBody() {
    return `
      <script src="your-script.js"></script>

  // Content to be injected into the <head> of every page
  injectIntoHead() {
    return `
      <link rel="stylesheet" href="your-styles.css" />

Add them to sloth-docs.config.js like this:

module.exports = {
  // ...
  plugins: [require('your-first-plugin.js'), require('your-second-plugin.js')]
npm i sloth-docs


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Cory LaViska
  • released 3/6/2020

