
Slack log file (JSON) to Markdown.
Slack Log Markdown


Support Node of LTS npm version test code style: prettier

Slack log file (JSON) to Markdown file.


$ npm install slack-log2md


Markdown file is generated from Slack log file JSON by running CLI or Node.js API.


The generated Markdown file has the following format.

# 2019-10-31

|13:43|![](|test|`@test` has joined the channel|
|07:02|![](|test|`@test` `#general` Sample message<br>Sample<br><br>Sample|
|07:02|![](|Sample Bot|🇬🇧: Sample message.|
|15:22|![](|test|Quote: <br><blockquote>Sample<br>Text</blockquote>Please read the above.|
|18:09|![](|test|Code: <br><pre>const value = 'code';<br>console.log(value);</pre><br>Please read the above.|
|18:09|![](|test|Sample.<br>Pre-text<blockquote>[sample/example] Text</blockquote><br><blockquote><!here> Text</blockquote>|
  • The message is output as a <table> tag.
  • If a profile image is set for the user, the URL is referenced and displayed.
  • The user will use the display name if there is one, otherwise it will be the account name.
  • The time is always UTC.
  • @user and #channel in the body text enclose the target name in <code> tags.
  • Emoji code (e.g. :smile:, :flag-gb:, ...etc) is converted to the corresponding Unicode character.
  • Convert line breaks \n to <br> tags.
  • Convert quotes (> text, &gt; text on log) to <blockquote> tags.
  • Convert code block to <pre> tags.


Usage:  slack-log2md [options]

Slack log file (JSON) to Markdown file.

  -i, --input <Path>          Directory path of the JSON file exported from Slack.
  -o, --output <Path>         Directory path to output Markdown file converted from JSON.
  -r, --report                Display the process reports, default is disable.
  --grouping-same-day-by-utc  Output Markdown grouped on the same day as UTC date.
  --github-wiki               Support output for GitHub Wiki. e.g. `general/` -> ``
  --add-unique-message-id     Add unique identifier for a message. Set the time in the Time field to `<span id ="XXXX">21:34</span>`.
  --ignore-channel-login      Ignore channel login messages.
  -v, --version               output the version number
  -h, --help                  output usage information

  $ slack-log2md -i ./logs -o ./dist -r

See also:

Node.js API

slackLog2Md(src, dest, options)

Converts Slack log JSON in the specified workspace directory to Markdown.


Parameter Type Default Description
src String Directory path of log file exported from Slack.
dest String Directory path to output Markdown file converted from log. If a nonexistent directory is specified, the same location as input is selected.
options Options {}


Parameter Type Default Description
report Boolean false true to display the processing status of the tool to stdout.
groupingSameDayByUTC Boolean false true if messages in the channel are grouped by the same day in UTC. If false, the group is the output log file unit.
githubWiki Boolean false true if support output for GitHub Wiki. Single directory, all file names are unique, avoid conflicts with existing page names. e.g. general/ ->
addUniqueMessageId Boolean false Add unique identifier for a message. Set the time in the Time field to <span id ="XXXX">21:34</span>.
ignore.channelLogin Boolean false Specifies the type of message to ignore.

Sample code:

const slackLog2Md = require('slack-log2md');

const options = {
  report: true,
  groupingSameDayByUTC: true,
  githubWiki: true,
  addUniqueMessageId: false,
  ignore: {
    channelLogin: true

slackLog2Md('./logs', './dest', options).catch((err) => {




  • MIT
  • >= 10
  • akabeko
  • released 10/31/2019

