
Simple model wrapper around a `sql` table.
sql model class util orm postgres postgresql mysql oracle and 2 more...

Simple SQL Model

styled with prettier

A simple model wrapper around the sql library with helpful query functions.

This provides a bunch of convenience methods to create simple DB models quickly in a Rails-style query layout.


  • This is considered somewhat in flux, don't use in production unless you're sure.
  • This is stupid simple, it's just a dumb wrapper around the awesome sql module; you should check the source in model.js and the tests in model.test.js to see what's going on. I swear, it's really simple.
  • This depends on new ES6 features like async/await, Class so use Node 7.8+ or above or transpile using Babel or similar.
  • This isn't feature complete but it offers hooks to extend so you're not stuck with it's functionality. Pull requests welcome though!


  • Support for any database that the sql module supports
  • Support for CRUD operations (Model.create, Model.update, Model.destroy)
  • Support querying (Model.findOne, Model.findMany)
  • Support counting records (Model.count)
  • Support instance methods (model.update, model.destroy)
  • Support before/after style hooks (Model.beforeCreate, Model.afterCreate, Model.beforeUpdate, Model.afterUpdate, Model.beforeDestroy, Model.afterDestroy)
  • Expand associated references so you don't have to manually.


  • Support or/and style queries
  • Add validation support
  • Add field transformats (uppercase, lowercase, etc)
  • Automatically create updatedAt and createdAt


# npm
npm i -S simple-sql-model

# or yarn
yarn add simple-sql-model


const Connect = require('pg-promise')()
const Model = require('simple-sql-model')

// Connect to a Postgres DB. The connection can
// be to any SQL compatible DB that the `sql`
// module supports. The returned connection
// object must provide a Promise returning `query` 
// method to be compatible.
const connection = Connect({
  database: 'my-db',
  user: 'myuser',

class Account extends Model {}

  table: 'accounts',
  columns: [ 'id' ],

class User extends Model {

  // Instance methods

  toString() {

  // Class methods

  static myCustomClassMethod() {
    // do some magic here...

  // before/after hooks:
  static beforeCreate(fields) {}
  static afterCreate(model, fields) {}
  static beforeUpdate(model, fields) {}
  static afterUpdate(model, fields) {}
  static beforeDestroy(model) {}
  static afterDestroy() {}


// Setup the database connection for the model.

  // The DB connection to use. Must provide a Promise
  // returning `query` function to be compatible.

  table: 'users',

  // Define columns in the table
  columns: [
    'accountId', // foreign key
    'isAdmin', // gets snake-cased to `is_admin`

  // Define any foreign key references. We auto-expand
  // these refernces into their respective model
  // instances.
  references: {
    account: { // expands associated model into `model.account`
      model: Account,
      key: 'accountId',

// Create rows

// Save row directly.
const user = await User.create({ name: 'John' })

// Initialize model instance and then save it to the DB.
const user2 = new User({ name: 'Bill' })

// Update rows

await User.update(, { name: 'Johnny' }) = 'Johnny'

// or:
await{ name: 'Johnny' })

// Find rows

await User.findOne(

// Returns first match from query
await User.findOne({
  where: { name: { equals: 'John' } },

// Returns all users
await User.findMany()

// Returns array of the first 5 matches ordered by first name
await User.findMany({
  where: { name: { equals: 'John' } },
  order: { name: 'asc' },
  limit: 5,

// References

const account = await Account.create()
const user = await User.create({
  name: 'Joe Blow',
user.account // same as `account` model instances

// Count number of rows

await User.count()

await User.count({
  // includes j in name (case-insensitive)
  where: { name: { ilike: '%j%' } },

// Delete rows

await user.destroy()

await User.destroy(

await User.destroy({ where: { name: { equals: 'John' } } })

// Destroys everything so we want to make sure you 
// want this to happen!
await User.destroyAll({ yesImReallySure: true })

// Other helpful methods

User.toString() //=> 'User'
String(User) //=> 'User'
User.tableName // => 'users'
User.columns // => [ 'id', 'name', 'isAdmin' ]


A lot of the built in class methods allow you to pass in an ID or a query object to find matching rows.

The ID can be a Number or a String (eg 1 or '1').

The query object looks like this:

  where: {
    name: { equals: 'John' },
  order: {
    name: 'desc',
  limit: 5,

Checkout this page on the available where options. Also check out the test in this project for more examples.

Class Methods

Model.configure({ connection, columns, references, table })

This must be called to connect your model to a SQL database.

  • Returns: undefined
  • Arguments:
    • connection - A connection to a SQL database that provides a Promise aware .query() method. This query method is what simple-sql-model will pass SQL strings to. It expects the results to be return directly (eg a Object representing a row or an Array representing a set of rows).
    • columns - An Array of table column name Strings that map to your schema. They can be in snake_case or camelCase as we always convert to snake_case when converting queries to SQL.
    • references (optional) - An object representing a mapping between a foreign key and it's model. By creating references, we will automatically expand any associated models.
    • table - The name of the table in your database to connect to (eg 'users' or 'products').


Creates a new row in the DB with the given fields and returns a new model instance.

  • Returns: Promise for a new Model instance.
  • Arguments:
    • fields - The fields to create the new model from. Must match the schema.


If defined in child class, gets called before a Model is created.

  • Returns: Promise for fields that were passed to Model.create()
  • Arguments:
    • fields - The fields passed to Model.create()

Model.afterCreate(model, fields)

If defined in child class, gets called after a Model is created.

  • Returns: Promise for fields and model that were created by Model.create()
  • Arguments:
    • model - The Model instance of the created row.
    • fields - The fields passed to Model.create()


Finds one (or no) rows based on the given ID or query.

  • Returns: Promise for a Model instance of the matched row or null.
  • Arguments:
    • idOrQuery - An ID (Number or String) or query object to find the row in the table.


Finds one or more rows based on the given ID or query.

  • Returns: Promise for an Array of Model instances of the matched row or an empty array ([]).
  • Arguments:
    • idOrQuery - An ID (Number or String) or query object to find the row in the table.

Model.update(idOrQuery, changes)

Updates a row in the table with given changes based on an ID or query.

  • Returns: Promise for an updated Model instance.
  • Arguments:
    • idOrQuery - An ID (Number or String) or query object to find the row in the table.
    • changes - An Object of the changes to the row. This can be one, some or all of the columns in the given table to change (eg partial or full updates are possible).

Model.beforeUpdate(model, fields)

If defined in child class, gets called before a Model is updated.

  • Returns: Promise for Model instance before modification and the fields that were passed to Model.update()
  • Arguments:
    • model - The Model instance before updating.
    • fields - The fields passed to Model.update()

Model.afterUpdate(model, fields)

If defined in child class, gets called after a Model is updated.

  • Returns: Promise for fields and model that were updated by Model.update()
  • Arguments:
    • model - The Model instance of the updated row.
    • fields - The fields passed to Model.update()


Deletes a row from the table based on an ID or query.

  • Returns: Promise returning undefined
  • Arguments:
    • idOrQuery - An ID (Number or String) or query object to find the row to delete in the table.


If defined in child class, gets called before a Model is destroyed.

  • Returns: Promise for Model instance before destroying
  • Arguments:
    • model - The Model instance of the updated row.


If defined in child class, gets called after a Model is destroyed.

  • Returns: Promise for undefined


Count up the number of matching records in the table. If an optional query is passed in, count the number of rows that match the query.

  • Returns: Promise returning a count (Number) of matching rows or 0.
  • Arguments:
    • query (optional) - The query to use to limited the returned rows. If no query provided, it returns total amount of rows for this table.

Class Properties


  • Returns: the name of the constructor class as a String


  • Returns: the provided database connection object.


  • Returns: the provided table name.


  • Returns: the provided Array of column names.

Instance Methods

Create or update the given model instance. If the model is persisted to the DB, we update it, otherwise we create a new row.

  • Returns: Promise for the updated model instance
  • Arguments:
    • fields (optional) - An Object of fields to update.


  • Same as Model.destroy() but no ID is required.


# Setup the right node version using nvm
nvm install
nvm use

# Install deps
npm install

# Create a Postgres database named "simple-sql-model-test"

# Setup database table
# Update the DB username if necessary by passing DB_USERNAME=yourname

npm test # or npm run watch-test

Please see the prettier.opts file for prettier confiuration. You should run npm run format when making changes. We have a pre-commit hook setup to do this for you before you commit in case you forget 👍 (coming soon...)



  • More logs


  • More logs


  • Fix bonehead typo... 🤦


  • Add more logging


  • Accept and object of properties in which will allow for direct updating without setting properties first.


  • Fix issue where count was hard coding the table name. Doh... 😵
  • Add prettier formatting configuration via npm run format as well as a pre-commit hook


  • Add references to Model.configure which will automatically expand any associated models automatically.
  • Go back to using async/await


  • Remove model.update() in favor of a better that creates or updates depending on if the instance is persisted in the DB.


  • Add better error message when a filter is called on a field not in the schema.


  • Add model.className getter to return constructor class name.


  • Add hooks for lifecycle methods Model.beforeCreate, Model.afterCreate, Model.beforeUpdate, Model.afterUpdate, Model.beforeDestroy, and Model.afterDestroy.


  • [BREAKING]: Change Model.schema to Model.columns.


  • Fix changelog numbers in readme


  • Add method to create a row from an unsaved model instance.
  • Update readme.


  • Change Node dependency version
  • Update readme


  • Allow model.update() and model.destroy() instance methods
  • Remove dependency on async/await support
  • DRY things up a bit


  • Fix camelCasing of queries to be consistent


Initial release. Implement create, update, destroy, findOne, findMany, and count.


Licensed under an MIT license by Dana Woodman.

Pull requests welcome!

npm i simple-sql-model


  • MIT
  • >=4.8.1
  • Dana Woodman
  • released 5/9/2017

