
Modular scale function based on an array of factors
design math modular-scale

Simple Modular Scale

Modular scale based on an array of ratios


npm i simple-modular-scale
var ms = require('simple-modular-scale')

var scale = ms({
  base: 16,
  ratios: [3/2, 4/3],
  length: 8
// [ 16, 24, 32, 48, 64, 96, 128, 192 ]


  • base is the root number from which all values in the scale are derived
  • ratios is an array of numbers that are multiplied by the previous number in the sequence. Ratios are alternated to create a sort of multi-stranded modular scale.
  • length is the total number of values output.


var ms = require('simple-modular-scale', {
  base: 16,
  ratios: [ 9/8, 4/3, 4/3 ],
  length: 8
Multiplicand Multiplier Product
16 1 16
16 9/8 18
18 4/3 24
24 4/3 32
32 9/8 36
36 4/3 48
48 4/3 64
64 9/8 72

Starting with a base of 16, the next number added is 16 * 9/8, which is 18. Next 18 is multiplied by ratios[1] or 4/3 to produce 24. Then 24 is multiplied by ratios[2] or 4/3 to produce 32. This sequence continues until an array of length is produced.

MIT License

npm i simple-modular-scale


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Brent Jackson
  • released 7/5/2015

