
Include the script.

Basic Usage

Include the script.

<script src="/path/to/shutterstock-oauth.js"></script>

Build the oauth object

  //build the oauth object
  var options = {
    client_id: "0FF2460C9DD14F449FD5EDF780121F9B",
    scope: "",
    redirect_endpoint: "done.html"
  var oauth = new ShutterstockOAuth(options);

Bind the authorize method to a click event

  $("#auth_button").on("click", oauth.authorize);


Inside the example folder there is a file index.html. You will need to change INSERT_YOUR_CLIENT_ID_HERE to your client id. For the redirect flow to work, the example will need to be running in a web server. The easiest way to do this is run python -m SimpleHTTPServer in the root of the project. Then open http://localhost:8000/example/index.html.

The authorize button will open an authorize pop-up. Below the button, there is a log of the data sent to the callbacks.


client_id (required)

The client_id for the authorized client.

scope (required)

A string of all requested grant scopes separated by spaces

redirect_endpoint (required)

The redirect_endpoint is relative path from the current domain that the oauth service will redirect to after the authorization is complete.

realm (optional)

The Shutterstock domain where access will be requested.

Default: customer

Possible Values:

  • customer: ""
  • offset: ""
  • contributor: ""
site (optional)

If the customer realm is used, you can specify the site.

Possible Values:

  • premier: For users of ""
success (optional)

A function that will be called when the authorization process is successfully completed.

function (data) {
  // data is a hash of the result

For successful calls, that data object will only have one field: code

var sampleSuccessData = { code: "xSw2EH5sylIgkZ7Jdp" }
failure (optional)

Callback called when the authorization process fails for any reason.

function (data) {
  // data is a hash of the result

The data object for failures will have three properties:

  • error: The type of failure. Most-likely "access_denied"
  • error_reason: The reason why the authorization failed.
  • error_description: A human readable version of the error reason.


  error: "access_denied",
  error_description: "The popup was closed before authorization was completed.",
  error_reason: "user_denied"
completed (optional)

Callback called when the authorization process is completed.

function (data) {
  //data is a hash of the result

The data passed to the completed callback is the same that would be passed to the success and the failure callbacks.



Opens a popup for the user to authorize the client. Must be called from a click event.


MIT © 2013-2017 Shutterstock Images, LLC

npm i shutterstock-oauth


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Unknown
  • released 9/5/2017

