
Super performant and feature rich shortcuts management library.
shortcuts performant


Super performant and feature rich shortcuts management library.

This library is just a thin wrapper over ShoSho that provides a VSCode-like interface for managing shortcuts. Definitely check out ShoSho, which provides more features and it may offer a lower-level but maybe more convenient API for your use case.


npm install --save shortcuts


The following interface is provided:

type Descriptor = {
  handler?: ( event?: Event ): boolean | void,
  shortcut: string

type Disposer = {
  (): void

type Options = {
  capture?: boolean,
  target?: Window | Document | HTMLElement | SVGElement | MathMLElement,
  shouldHandleEvent?: ( event: Event ) => boolean

class Shortcuts {
  constructor ( options: Options );
  get (): Descriptor[];
  add ( descriptor: Descriptor | Descriptor[] ): void;
  register ( descriptor: Descriptor | Descriptor[] ): Disposer;
  remove ( descriptor: Descriptor | Descriptor[] ): void;
  reset (): void;
  trigger ( shortcut: string ): boolean;
  start (): void;
  stop (): void;

This is how you'd use the library:

import {Shortcuts} from 'shortcuts';

// Let's create a new shortcuts manager instance

const shortcuts = new Shortcuts ({
  capture: true, // Handle events during the capturing phase
  target: document, // Listening for events on the document object
  shouldHandleEvent ( event ) {
    return true; // Handle all possible events

// Let's register and unregister some shortcuts
// Handlers are filtered by shortcut and executed from bottom to top, stopping at the first handler that returns true

const onCtrlB = () => {};

shortcuts.add ([
    shortcut: 'Ctrl+A',
    handler: () => {
      // Doing something...
      return true; // Returning true if we don't want other handlers for the same shortcut to be called later
    shortcut: 'Ctrl+B',
    handler: onCtrlB
    shortcut: 'CmdOrCtrl+K Shift+B',
    handler: () => {
      // Doing something...
      return true; // Returning true if we don't want other handlers for the same shortcut to be called later
    shortcut: '-Ctrl+A' // Removing all previously-registered handlers for "Ctrl+A"

shortcuts.remove ({ shortcut: 'Ctrl+B', handler: onCtrlB }); // Removing a specific handler bound to this shortcut
shortcuts.remove ({ shortcut: 'Ctrl+A' }); // Removing all handlers bound to this shortcut

// Let's actually start listening for shortcuts

shortcuts.start ();

// Let's stop listening for shortcuts

shortcuts.stop ();

// Let's dispose of all registered shortcuts

shortcuts.reset ();


  • Thanks to the people at Koding for providing me the shortcuts package name on NPM! If you're looking for the previous package published under that name you can find it here (v0.x).


MIT © Fabio Spampinato


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Fabio Spampinato
  • released 7/10/2020

