
A class for sharing dataloaders across GraphQL subscriptions
react Stripe async


A class for sharing dataloaders across GraphQL subscriptions


yarn add shared-dataloader

What's it do

Allows you to use the same dataloader for multiple GraphQL subscription clients. If you think of a mutation as a single operation, this allows you to share data across that operation.


1. Create it on your GraphQL server

import SharedDataLoader from 'shared-dataloader';
const sharedDataLoader = new SharedDataLoader({PROD, onShare: '_share', ttl: 5000});

2. Add it to your query/mutation context. Call dispose after it's completed.

import DataLoader from 'dataloader';
import {graphql} from 'graphql';

const allMyDataLoaders = {todos: new DataLoader(todoBatchFn)};
const dataLoader = sharedDataLoader.add(allMyDataLoaders);
const result = await graphql(schema, query, {}, {dataLoader}, variables);

3. Add it to your subscription context. Call dispose after the subscription ends.

import {subscribe} from 'graphql';

// Important! Note {cache: false}. You should already have been doing this since subs are long lived.
const allMyDataLoaders = {todos: new DataLoader(todoBatchFn, {cache: false})};
const dataLoader = sharedDataLoader.add(allMyDataLoaders);
const asyncIterator = await subscribe(schema, document, {}, {dataLoader}, variables);
await forAwaitEach(asyncIterator, iterableCb);

4. Share the ID when you push to the pubsub

// UpdateTodo.js
resolve(source, args, {dataLoader}) {
  const updatedTodo = db.update({foo: 'bar'});
  const operationId = dataLoader.share();
  pubsub.publish('updatedTodo', {updatedTodo, operationId})

5. Use the shared ID in your subscription iterator and unsub when the sub closes

async subscribe(source, args, {dataLoader}) {
  const asyncIterator = pubsub.asyncIterator('updatedTodo');
  const getNextPromise = async () => {
    const nextRes = await;
    const {value, done} = nextRes;
    if (done) {
      return asyncIterator.return();
    if (value.operationId) {
    return nextRes;
  return {
    next() {
      return getNextPromise();   
    return() {
      return asyncIterator.return();

6. Use the dataloader getter method to get individual loaders:

todos: {
  resolve: (source, args, {dataLoader}) {
    return dataLoader.get('todos').load(


The SharedDataLoader takes the following args

  • PROD: true if running in production (don't show warnings). Defaults to false.
  • ttl: time to live (ms). Smaller number means less memory usage. 100-5000 is reasonable.
  • onShare: The name of the method in your dataloader object to call when you call share(). Use this to sanitize your dataloader of any sensitive info that might have been provided to it (such as an auth token) This is not required, but provides peace of mind if you're unsure about your schema authorization.

The SharedDataLoader has a single public method:

  • add(allMyLoaders): Call this with an object containing all your loaders. It returns a ShareableDataLoader.

The ShareableDataLoader (the result of SharedDataLoader#add) has the following API

  • dispose(options): dispose of the data loader if it is not being shared. It has the following option:
    • force: boolean, defaults to false. If true, calling dispose will dispose of the dataloader even if it is being shared.
  • share(ttl): Returns a unique ID to be fed to useShared. Also begins the TTL. Although strongly discouraged, you may provide a TTL here to override the one defined by the SharedDataLoader. This is useful if you need to extend the time because you are making an external API call, or using setTimeout.
  • useShared(operationId): Replaces the current dataloader with the dataloader belonging to the operationId. You'll want to call this on your subscription with the operationId that comes from the mutation
  • getID: returns the ID of the current dataloader. Useful for testing.
  • isShared: returns true if the dataloader is currently being shared. Useful for testing.



npm i shared-dataloader


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Matt Krick
  • released 3/18/2018

