
Convert SVG shapes to SVG paths


Convert SVG shapes to SVG paths. Check out this demo. Build Status


If you use NPM, npm install shape2path. Otherwise, download the latest release. AMD, CommonJS, and vanilla environments are supported. In vanilla, a shape2path global is exported:

<script src="[email protected]/build/shape2path.min.js"></script>

const path =
  .attr("r", 50) // Paths can be configured with constants...
  .attr("cx", d =>; // ...or with functions. 

// The cy attribute defaults to zero because it was not specified.
path({cx: 50}); // M50,0 m-50,0 a50,50 0 1,0 100,0 a50,50 0 1,0 -100,0



shape2path's methods return configurable functions that can be used to produce the d attribute required to draw an SVG path identical to a corresponding SVG basic shape. Each method corresponds to a basic SVG shape: circle, ellipse, line, polygon, polyline, and rect.

# · Source, Example

Creates a new circle generator whose cx, cy, and r attributes are set to 0.

# shape2path.ellipse() · Source, Example

Creates a new ellipse generator whose cx, cy, rx, and ry attributes are set to 0.

# shape2path.line() · Source, Example

Creates a new line generator whose x1, y1, x2, and y2 attributes default to 0.

# shape2path.polygon() · Source, Example

Creates a new polygon generator whose points attribute defaults to "0,0".

# shape2path.polyline() · Source, Example

Creates a new polyline generator whose points attribute defaults to "0,0".

# shape2path.rect() · Source, Example

Creates a new rect generator whose x, y, width, height, rx, and ry attributes default to 0.

# shape([datum])

Returns a string representing the path's d attribute, whose appearance will be identical to an SVG basic shape corresponding to the generator's attributes. If datum is specified, applies the generator's functional accessors on the specified datum.

# shape.attr(name[, value])

If value is specified, sets the attribute name to the specified value and returns the generator. For instance, to set a circle generator's cx attribute to 10:
  .attr("cx", 10);

If the value is constant, sets the position to that constant. Constants must be specified as numbers unless you are setting a points attribute, in which case you can set the constant to a string (e.g. "0,0 1,1") or an array of points (e.g. [[0,0], [1,1]]).

If value is a function, the function is evaluated for the passed datum, and the function's return value is used to set the attributes value. For instance, to set a circle generator's cx attribute to a datum's "left" attribute:
  .attr("cx", d => d.left)
  ({left: 10});

If value is not specified, returns the current value of the attribute. For all attributes other than points, the value defaults to 0; for points, it defaults to "0,0".

npm i shape2path


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Harry Stevens
  • released 5/29/2019

