
Compares objects or arrays and categorizes all keys as added, deleted, equal or updated
changes compare difference diff object array


Compares objects or arrays and categorizes all keys as added, deleted, equal or updated

Shallow-Changes works in any JavaScript runtime. It has no dependencies and supports IE9+.


$ npm install --save shallow-changes
// use as ES6 module
import shallowChanges from 'shallow-changes';
// use as CommonJS module
var shallowChanges = require('shallow-changes');
<!-- use in HTML, available as shallowChanges, only 501b gzipped -->
<script src=".../shallow-changes/dist/shallow-changes.umd.js"></script>


shallowChanges(objectOrArray1, objectOrArray2);
// returns { added: [], deleted: [], equal: [], updated: [] }
// arrays contain classified property keys

If any of the values is not of type object (not an object, array or instance) the return value is false.

See tests for some examples.


Shallow-Changes has an optional third argument. It receives an object that can contain functions to overwrite the compare function is and/or the defined function isDefined.

The compare function is receives two values and returns a boolean. The default compare function tests if the values are strict equal === or both are NaN.

The defined function isDefined receives a value with a key and returns a boolean. If the function returns false the property will be ignored. The default defined function tests if the value is not undefined, so a property that changes from undefined to any value will be classified as added, not updated.

See tests for usage.

shallowChanges(objectOrArray1, objectOrArray2, { is: isEqualFunction, isDefined: isDefinedFunction });


MIT License © Martin Sachse

npm i shallow-changes


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Martin Sachse
  • released 3/24/2017

