
sfdx plugins by Shane
force.com salesforce salesforce-dx salesforcedx oss

Making SFDX flow easier.


Install plugin: sfdx plugins:install sfdx-msm-plugin

There's a prompt for 'y' because the package is unsigned. If you're doing this in a CI environment where no user is at the keyboard, use echo 'y' | sfdx plugins:install sfdx-msm-plugin to get around that. :)


unzip all your zipped static resources

sfdx msm:static:unzip

This crawls up to the top of your sfdx project, inspects your sfdx-project.json file, and then looks through all your package directories to find any static resources that are zipped files.

Then it creates (if you don't have one already) a folder called resource-bundles (a la MavensMate) and unzips them there, preserving the directory paths.

You did want to check those static resources into source, right? :)

zip them all back up

sfdx msm:static:zip

Using the same methods, loops through the static resources again, and zips up their local equivalent from the resource-bundles folder

Uploading a file

sfdx msm:data:file:upload -f ~/Downloads/King.png -c 0011900000VkJgrAAF

Uploads a local file at location -f and optionally names it, attaches it in Files or via Chatter. Don't use -p and -c together.

Setting a user's Chatter profile and/or banner pic

sfdx msm:user:photo -g Oscar -l Mayer -f ~/Downloads/King.png -b ~/Downloads/banner.png

Sets the chatter photo for the user who has a first name Oscar and last name Mayer. I used -g for first name (given name) since -f usually refers to a file elsewhere in sfdx commands.

Manually set a password

sfdx msm:user:password:set -u cg1 -p sfdx1234 -g Oscar -l Mayer

Sets Oscar's password to be sfdx1234 in the scratch org whose alias is cg1.

Create an org with a friendly username

sfdx msm:org:create -f config/project-scratch-def.json -u shane -o junk.test

All the basic parameters from force:org:create, but generates a more customizable url that will be [email protected] where the 789 is a unique sequential id for the combination of the -u and -o specified. There's a service running to issue these ids.

Retrieving a package, unzipping, converting

sfdx msm:mdapi:package:get -u cg1 -p "Reporting Objects" -d testApp

The quotes are optional unless you've got a space in the name. -p is the package name as defined in the UI where you built the package. -d defaults to force-app but you could store the package somewhere else in your source tree.

Retrieving unpackaged source, unzipping, converting

sfdx msm:mdapi:pull -u cg1 -c

Pulls all the code (apex, VF, components, static resources) for the specified non-scratch org and converts them into sfdx source format. You can specify -d (instead of force-app) and also use the improbable-to-work-on-the-first-try -a to pull nearly everything (good luck with that!).

Add a remote site setting

sfdx msm:remotesite:create -u https://google.com -n google -d "you know, for stuff"

Creates a remote site setting in force-app/main/default (or, with -t, the path you specify) with the give url, name, and optional description. You still need to push it to your org. Creates in the DX format, not the mdapi format, so do force:source:convert and don't set -t to src

Things you can't do:

zip/unzip an individual file (just use CLI zip...this is for doing a bunch in bulk!)


mocha tests --recursive --watch

npm i sfdx-msm-plugin


  • ISC
  • Whatever
  • Shane McLaughlin @mshanemc
  • released 2/5/2018

