
A semantic logger module, that colors and formats automatically depending on the content
semlog log logging semantic colors

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A semantic logger module, that colors / formats automatically


semlog is a simple logger utiltiy that automatically colors and formats the logging messages and objects, according to their content. It'll use a global object to store the config and the log history, so it can be easily used thoughout a project.

The semlog approach might not be for anyone, it's a lazy mans logging utility :)


$ npm install --save semlog


API Documentation


var semlog = require('semlog');
var log = semlog.log; // Optional shortcut for logging


// Pretty log an error object
log(new Error('error log entry'));

// Pretty log an object (no circular object supported, sorry)
log({title: 'Object log entry', number: 10});

// Log strings
log('[i] info log entry ');
log('[W] warning log entry');
log('[E] error log entry');
log('[S] success log entry');
log('[D] debug log entry');
log('[+] added log entry');
log('[-] removed log entry');
log('[C] changed log entry');
log('[TODO] todo log entry');

Logger functions

// Returns an array with the latest log messages (depending on the config.
var logArchive = semlog.getLogHistory();

// Get current logger config
var config = semlog.getConfig();

// Change default options:
// This will only update the option that are actually given
    colorize: true,
    printYaml: false,
    logDateTime: true,
    printTime: true,
    printDateTime: false,
    historySize: 2048 // 0 for none

Helper Functions and more examples

semlog has some built in helper functions like returning nicely formatted dates.

For a complete API Doc, please view the API docs.

More example can be found in the unit test file.


MIT © Simon Heimler


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Simon Heimler
  • released 4/7/2016

