
Extra lightweight DOM selector helper
alternative css dom elements jquery querySelector querySelectorAll selector

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Lightweight querySelector/All wrapper that outputs an Array


npm install select-dom
import {$, $$, lastElement, elementExists} from 'select-dom';

// And a stricter version
import {$, $optional} from 'select-dom/strict.js';


Note: if a falsy value is passed as baseElement, you'll always get an empty result (bd578b9)

$(selector[, baseElement = document])

Maps to baseElement.querySelector(selector), except it returns undefined if it's not found

$('.foo a[href=bar]');
// => <Element>

$('.foo a[href=bar]', baseElement);
// => <Element>

$('.non-existent', baseElement);
// => undefined

lastElement(selector[, baseElement = document])

Like $(), except that it returns the last matching item on the page instead of the first one.

elementExists(selector[, baseElement = document])

Tests the existence of one or more elements matching the selector. It's like $(), except it returns a boolean.

elementExists('.foo a[href=bar]');
// => true/false

elementExists('.foo a[href=bar]', baseElement);
// => true/false

$$(selector[, baseElements = document])

Maps to baseElements.querySelectorAll(selector) plus:

  • it always returns an array
  • baseElements can be a list of elements to query
// => [<Element>, <Element>, <Element>]

$$('.foo', baseElement);
// => [<Element>, <Element>, <Element>]

$$('.foo', [baseElement1, baseElement2]);
// => [<Element>, <Element>, <Element>]
// This is similar to jQuery([baseElement1, baseElement2]).find('.foo')


The strict export will throw an error if the element is not found, instead of returning undefined. This is also reflected in the types, which are non-nullable:

import {$, $optional} from 'select-dom/strict.js';

const must: HTMLAnchorElement = $('.foo a[href=bar]'); //
const optional: HTMLAnchorElement | undefined = $optional('.foo a[href=bar]');


  • delegate-it - DOM event delegation, in <1KB.
  • doma - Parse an HTML string into DocumentFragment or one Element, in a few bytes.
npm i select-dom


  • MIT
  • >=16
  • Federico Brigante
  • released 10/27/2024

