
A parser/serializer for SDP to JSON. Useful for converting SDP to other formats like Jingle for WebRTC signalling
sdp webrtc xmpp jingle


Convert SDP blobs to and from JSON

Build Status Dependency Status devDependency Status

Browser Support

What is this?

Ever taken a peek at the data blobs that get sent back and forth in WebRTC signalling? Yeah, that mess of line-oriented data is SDP. But sometimes you want to have that data available in JSON, like if you want to use XMPP Jingle for signalling.

This library will convert raw SDP into JSON that mirrors the structure of XMPP Jingle content, making it simple to convert the SDP data into an XMPP stanza with any of the various JS XMPP libraries, such as, or xmpp-ftw.

And since you're working with WebRTC, be sure to check out simplewebrtc.


npm install sdp-jingle-json

Building bundled/minified version (for AMD, etc)

$ grunt

The bundled and minified files will be in the generated build directory.

How to use it

var sjj = require('sdp-jingle-json');

// I have SDP, but want JSON:
var json = sjj.toSessionJSON(sdpBlob, {
    creators: ['initiator', 'initiator'], // Who created the media contents
    role: 'initiator',   // Which side of the offer/answer are we acting as
    direction: 'outgoing' // Are we parsing SDP that we are sending or receiving?

// I have JSON (a dictionary of session and content descriptions), but want SDP:
var sdp = sjj.toSessionSDP(jsonSession, {
    role: 'responder',
    direction: 'incoming'

You can also use toMediaSDP and toMediaJSON to convert only a single media section.

See it in action

Open the convert.html file and enter in SDP or JSON to see how it converts back and forth.

Jingle JSON

The format for the generated JSON content is:

    "action": "",
    "initiator": "",
    "responder": "",
    "sid": "",
    // ---- Content payload
    "groups": [
            "semantics": "",
            "contents": [],
        } //...
    "contents": [
           "name": "",
           "creator": "",
           "senders": "",
           "application": {
               // ---- RTP description
               "applicationType": "rtp",
               "media": "",
               "ssrc": "",
               "sourceGroups": [
                        "semantics": "",
                        "sources": [
                            "" //...
                    } //...
               "sources": [
                       "ssrc": "",
                       "parameters: [
                               "key": "",
                               "value": ""
                           } //...
                   } //...
               "bandwidth": "",
               "bandwidthType": "",
               "headerExtensions": [
                       "id": "",
                       "uri": "",
                       "senders": ""
                   } //...
               "payloads": [
                       "id": "",
                       "channels": "",
                       "clockrate": "",
                       "maxptime": "",
                       "ptime": "",
                       "name": "",
                       "parameters": [
                               "key": "",
                               "value": ""
                           } //...
                       "feedback": [
                               "type": "",
                               "subtype": "",
                               "value": ""
                           } //...
                "encryption": [
                        "cipherSuite": "",
                        "keyParams": "",
                        "sessionParams": "",
                        "tag": ""
                    } //...
           "transport": {
               // ---- ICE UDP transport
               "transportType": "iceUdp",
               "ufrag": "",
               "pwd": "",
               "setup": "",
               "candidates": [
                       "component": "",
                       "foundation": "",
                       "generation": "",
                       "id": "",
                       "ip": "",
                       "network": "",
                       "port": "",
                       "priority": "",
                       "protocol": "",
                       "relAddr": "",
                       "relPort": "",
                       "type": ""
                   } //...
               "fingerprints": [
                   "hash": "",
                   "value": ""
                   } // ...
        } //...



Created By

If you like this, follow @lancestout or @HCornflower on twitter.

SDP-Jingle-JSON is derived, in collaboration, from the work done by Philipp Hancke for strophe.jingle.

npm i sdp-jingle-json


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Unknown
  • released 1/24/2019
