
Spins up an empty, temporary ssb-server server that stores data in your temp folder
ssb scuttlebutt test testing ssb-server


Spins up an empty, temporary ssb-server that stores data in your temp folder


const TestBot = require('scuttle-testbot')

const piet = TestBot()
const content = { type: 'test', text: "a test message" }

piet.db.create publish({ content }, (err, msg) => {


  key: '%FQ2auS8kVY9qPgpTWNY3le/JG5+IlO6JHDjBIQcSPSc=.sha256',
  value: {
    previous: null,
    sequence: 1,
    author: '@UreG2i/rf4mz7QAVOtg0OML5SRRB42Cwwl3D1ct0mbU=.ed25519',
    timestamp: 1517190039755,
    hash: 'sha256',
    content: { type: 'test', content: 'a test message' },
    signature: '0AxMJ7cKjHQ6vJDPkVNWcGND4gUwv2Z8barND5eha7ZXH/s5T0trFqcratIqzmhE3YJU2FY61Rf1S/Za2foLCA==.sig.ed25519'
  timestamp: 1517190039758


const TestBot = require('scuttle-testbot')

TestBot(opts = {})

Returns a ssb-server instance.

By default, CreateTestSbot deletes an existing database of the same name before starting.

Valid opts keys include:

  • String (optional) (default: ssb-test + Number(new Date))
  • opts.path String (optional) (default: /tmp/${name}, where name is the above)
    • ~/.ssb-test: Sets the database in ~/.ssb-test
  • opts.keys String (optional) (default: scuttle-testbot generates a new set of random keys)
    • you can create your own keys with ssbKeys.generate()
  • opts.rimraf (default: true)
    • false: Don't delete an existing database before starting up.
    • this is useful if you want to test state after stopping and starting a server. In this case you need to set the name and keys options to be connecting to the same log
    • note opts.startUnclean is still accepted
  • opts.db1 (default: false)
    • uses ssb-db2 by default, but if true will use ssb-db
    • your can also switch to db1 by setting the ENV SSB_DB1=true
  • opts.noDefaultUse (default: false)
    • if true then the testbot uses neither db1 nor db2 by default, leaving that up to you. Useful e.g. in case you want to control what plugins get imported along with db2.


CreateTestSbot.use lets you add ssb-server plugins. use can be chained the same as the ssb-server api.


function Server (opts) {
  const stack = Testbot

  return stack(opts)

Testbot.replicate({ from, to, feedId?, live?, name?, log? }, done)

Replicates data from one testbot to another, which is sometimes needed when you have functions which are only triggered by another feedId, e.g. when I am added to a private group someone else started.


function Server (opts) {
  const stack = require('scuttle-testbot')
    // required for replicate

  return stack(opts)
const piet = Server({ name: 'piet' })
const katie = Server({ name: 'katie' })

const content = {
  type: 'direct-message',
  text: 'oh hey'

piet.db.create({ content }, (err, msg) => {
  TestBot.replicate({ from: piet, to: katie }, (err) => {
    katie.db.getMsg(msg.key, private: true }, (err, value) => {

      // should be same as content piet sent, if katie can decrypt



  • from SSB - an ssb instance to be replicated from. This will replicate only this feeds messages (not everything in log)
  • to SSB - an ssb instance being replicate to.
  • feedId String (optional)
    • the id of the feed you would like to replicate from one peer to another
    • default:
  • live Boolean (optional)- whether or not to keep replication running (default: false).
    • provide a custom logging function, or disable the logging by setting this false
    • default: console.log
  • name Function (optional) - makes logged output easier to read by allowing you to replace feedIds with human readable names
    // example
    const name = (feedId) => {
      if (feedId === return 'piet'
      if (feedId === return 'katie'
    • alternatively, if an instance has a "name" property, then that will be used, e.g.
      const piet = TestBot() = 'piet'
      const piet = TestBot({ name: 'katie ' })
  • log Function|false (optional)
  • done Function - an optional callback which is triggered when the replication is complete or if there is an error.
    • If live === true this will ony be called on an error. Signature done (err) { ... }

Also supports promise style.

  await TestBot.replicate({ from: piet, to: katie })

This requires that live: false

Under the hood this function just uses createHistoryStream directly from one peer to another

Testbot.connect(peers, { names, friends }, done)

Connects all listed peers.


const crypto = require('crypto')

function Server (opts) {
  const stack = require('scuttle-testbot')
    .use('ssb-friends') // only needed if opts.friends

  return stack(opts)

const caps = { shs: crypto.randomBytes(32).toString('base64') }
const piet = Server({ caps, name: 'piet' })
const katie = Server({ caps, name: 'katie' })
// all peers need to have same caps to be able to connect to each other

Testbot.connect([piet, katie], { friends: true }, (err) => {
  // as friends: true - piet now follows katie + vice versa
  // and there is a connection live between these two



  • peers Array

    • a collection of ssb instances which will all be connected to one another
    • NOTE: by default scuttle-testbot creates random caps for each instance. You need to overide this as in example to form connections
  • opts Object

    • opts.friends Boolean (optional)
      • if true will get each peer to publish a follow for each other peer in the list
      • NOTE: this requires ssb-friends to be installed
      • default: false
    • Function (optional) - makes logged output easier to read by allowing you to replace feedIds with human readable names
      // example
      const name = (feedId) => {
        if (feedId === return 'piet'
        if (feedId === return 'katie'
    • opts.log Function|false (optional)
      • provide a custom logging function, or disable the logging by setting this false
      • default: console.log
  • done Function - an optional callback which is triggered when the replication is complete or if there is an error.

    • If live === true this will ony be called on an error. Signature done (err) { ... }

Under the hood this just uses createHistoryStream directly from one peer to another

Also supports promise style.

  await Testbot.connect([piet, katie], { friends: true })

TestBot.colorLog(obj, ...)

Like console.log(JSON.stringify(obj, null, 2)) but also:

  • colorises the cipherlinks based on value - makes it easier to pattern-match across messages
  • removes quotes-marks from keys - easier to read
  • takes multiiple input values




  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Unknown
  • released 10/4/2021
