
A backend server for score-board

node version typescript version express version

Score Board Server is a server for the Score Board project ( You can use Score Board without a backend but having a backend makes adding scores from the UI a lot easier.


Easiest setup

Score Board Server can simply be launched by running the score-board-server command.

Here is an setup example:

# install score-board-server globally
npm install -g score-board-server

# write a configuration file (see "configuration" section below)
vim config.json

# start the server

Alternative setup

You may want to not install the project globally, in which case you could instead do the following:

# initialize a npm project and install in this project
npm init
npm install --save score-board-server

# write a configuration file (see "configuration" section below)
vim config.json

# write a script (optionally you can pass the config to startServer())
echo "require('score-board-server').startServer()" > index.js

# run your script
node index.js

In case it crashes, you can also hook this up to Forever.


The file config.json should be created and should contain the following values.

  // required
  "database": {
    // required
    "type": "google-sheets",
    // required
    "spreadsheetId": "googleSheetId",
    // optional
    "secretsPath": "secrets.json"
  // optional
  "title": "title",
  // optional
  "port": 3030,
  // optional
  "baseUrl": "http://localhost:3030",
  // optional
  "scoreBoardUiScriptPath": "path/to/score-board/frontend.js"


The best way to work on this project is to run npm run dev. This will start a web server on the port 3030. You can then open http://localhost:3030/ in your favorite browser. Any change you make to the code will trigger a restart of the server.

You may also run the following commands:

  • npm run build to build the project
  • npm run lint to lint the code


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.

npm i score-board-server


  • ISC
  • Whatever
  • Unknown
  • released 6/3/2018

