
Inline CSS from Sass/SCSS snippets in your JavaScript
babel-plugin-macros sass scss


Have you ever wanted to inline the CSS from arbitrary Sass/SCSS in your JavaScript? If so, you've come to the right place!


npm install -D babel-plugin-macros sass.macro


This module requires babel-plugin-macros to be installed and "macros" to be listed in the plugins array of your .babelrc:

  "plugins": [

In your code, import the sass.macro default export and invoke it either as a function or tagged template literal:

import sass from 'sass.macro'

const PrimerCSS = sass`
  @import "primer/index.scss";

// this is equivalent:

const PrimerCSS = sass('@import "primer/index.scss";')

The macro will render the Sass or SCSS code in the provided string synchronously and replace the sass call with a string literal containing the CSS, so the transformed code will look like:

const PrimerCSS = "*{box-sizing:border-box}..."

Sass options

  1. outputStyle is always "compressed"
  2. includePaths is an array of three paths:
    • The current working directory (process.cwd())
    • node_modules in the current working directory
    • The directory of the file being parsed

This include paths configuration allows you to reference files relative to the JavaScript source or your project's top-level dependencies.

If you have more sophisticated Sass configuration needs, you should consider using the much more powerful preval.macro like so:

import preval from 'preval.macro'

const css = preval`
  const {renderSync} = require('node-sass')
  const {join} = require('path')
  module.exports = renderSync({
    data: '@import "primer/index.scss";',
    includePaths: [
      join(process.cwd(), 'node_modules')
npm i sass.macro


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Shawn Allen
  • released 9/26/2018

