
Solves the traveling salesman problem using simulated annealing.
traveling salesman simulated annealing algorithm path points


See: demo
Author: Ophir LOJKINE salesman npm module

Good heuristic for the traveling salesman problem using simulated annealing.


Kind: inner class of salesman

new Point(x, y)

Represents a point in two dimensions.

Param Type Description
x Number abscissa
y Number ordinate

salesman~solve(points, [temp_coeff], [callback=]) ⇒ Array.<Number>

Solves the following problem: Given a list of points and the distances between each pair of points, what is the shortest possible route that visits each point exactly once and returns to the origin point?

Kind: inner method of salesman
Returns: Array.<Number> - An array of indexes in the original array. Indicates in which order the different points are visited.

Param Type Default Description
points Array.<Point> The points that the path will have to visit.
[temp_coeff] Number 0.999 changes the convergence speed of the algorithm: the closer to 1, the slower the algorithm and the better the solutions.
[callback=] function An optional callback to be called after each iteration.


var points = [
      new salesman.Point(2,3)
      //other points
var solution = salesman.solve(points);
var ordered_points = => points[i]);
// ordered_points now contains the points, in the order they ought to be visited.


