
S3 File Access Abstraction providing Memory and Disk Caching Layer
s3 aws cache memory-cache disk-cache files storage cloud

Cached S3 Wrapper

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S3 File Access Abstraction providing Memory and Disk Caching Layer. Useful e.g. in lambda functions if you want to reduce the amount of s3 access for serving (semi-)static files.

What it does

  • Access abstraction to access JSON and GZipped data on AWS S3
  • Two Layer caching (memory and disk)
  • Allows you to define cache constraints like TTL

Getting Started


$ npm install --save s3-cached

Request S3 Files

const s3 = require('s3-cached')({
  bucket: 'YOUR_BUCKET_NAME',
  awsSdkWrap: AwsSdkWrap(/* ... */)

s3.getJsonObjectCached('large.json').then((json) => {
  // do something with the json data
}).catch((err) => {
  // there has been an error

Available functions

  • getBinaryObjectCached: retrieve file content, caching additional modifications possible through parameter
  • getTextObjectCached: retrieve file content as string and return as promise
  • getJsonObjectCached: retrieve file content as string, parse as json and return as promise
  • getGzipObjectCached: retrieve file content, gunzip and return as promise
  • getKeysCached: retrieve all file names in bucket with given prefix

Note that you can specify the ttl and/or custom bucket on a per file basis by calling e.g. s3.getJsonObjectCached(FILE_NAME, { ttl, bucket }). For exact method signatures please check the code.

Other Function / Exports

  • resetCache(): Reset everything in cache
  • aws: The underlying aws-sdk-wrap instance



Type: string
Default: undefined

Specify the Bucket name you want to retrieve data from. It either has to be defined here or on every request (overwrites).


Type: object
Default: -

Passed into aws-wrap-sdk for AWS.S3() initialization.


Type: logger
Default: null

Passed into aws-wrap-sdk.


Type: integer
Default: 600

Define how long a cached file is kept by default. This can be overwritten on a per-file basis by passing a second parameter into the function.


Type: integer
Default: 100

Define how many cached entities can be hold in memory at the same time. If more entities are present, the earliest are discarded from memory cache.


Type: integer
Default: 469762048

Maximum amount of disk space in bytes used by disk cache. Earliest files are discarded from file cache if more space is used.


Type: string
Default: /tmp

Location to store temporary data for disk cache.


  • MIT
  • >= 6.10.3
  • Lukas Siemon
  • released 5/28/2019

