
Use flow type information at runtime. Useful for validations, mapping to an ORM, and more.
orm flow type static types runtime validate validation object valid and 2 more...


Use flow type information at runtime. Automatically generate validation code, ORM schemas, etc from the type definition.


npm install --save runtime-types

Runtime Example

If this file is in ./example-types.js

// @flow
export type PhoneNumber = string;

export type User = {
  username: string;
  age: number;
  phone: PhoneNumber;
  created: ?Date;

You can import the type information as follows:

var types = require('runtime-types')
var path  = require('path')

// read the file into a runtime type description
var MyTypes = types.readFile(path.join(__dirname, '../test/example-types.js'))

// MyTypes is now equal to:
  PhoneNumber: { name: 'string' },

  User: {
    name: 'Object',
    properties: [
      { key: 'username', type: { name: 'string' } },
      { key: 'age',      type: { name: 'number' } },
      { key: 'phone',    type: { name: 'PhoneNumber' } },
      { key: 'created',  type: { name: 'Date', nullable: true } } 

Validation Example

You can use the object provided by readFile to create validators for your types

var types = require('runtime-types')
var validate = require('runtime-types').validate

var MyTypes = types.readFile(path.join(__dirname, '../test/example-types.js'))

  PhoneNumber: validate.validateRegex(/^\d{10}$/),

var validators = validate.createAll(VALIDATORS, MyTypes)

Then you can check various objects to make sure they match User at runtime.

var errs = validators.User({
  username: "bobby",
  age: 23,
  phone: "8014114399",
  created: null

// ==> []

Checks if fields are set

var errs = validators.User({
  age: 23,
  phone: "8014114399"

// ==> [ { key: 'username', value: undefined, error: 'missing' } ]
// no error for created because it is nullable

Checks correct typeof for string, number and boolean

var errs = validators.User({
  username: "bobby",
  age: "not an age",
  phone: "8014114399",

// ==> [ { key: 'age', value: 'not an age', error: 'expected typeof number' } ]

Checks instances for Date

var errs = validators.User({
  username: "bobby",
  age: 23,
  phone: "8014114399",
  created: 1432757991843 // was supposed to be date, not a timestamp

// [ { key: 'created',
//     value: 1432757991843,
//     error: 'expected instance of function Date() { [native code] }' } ]

Provided Validators: regex

var VALIDATORS:ValidatorMap = {
  PhoneNumber: validate.validateRegex(/^\d{10}$/),

var validators = validate.createAll(VALIDATORS, MyTypes)

var errs = validators.User({
  username: "bobby",
  age: 23,
  phone: "801-443-8899", // should be 10 digits without hyphens

// [ { key: 'phone',
//     value: '801-411-4399',
//     error: 'did not match /^\\d{10}$/' }, ]

Custom Validators: anything

var VALIDATORS:ValidatorMap = {
  PhoneNumber: function(value) {
    if (value.length == 10) {
      return true
    else {
      return "wrong length!"

It does not try to guess validators for your type aliases. If you forget to provide one it will throw an error when you generate the validators

var VALIDATORS:ValidatorMap = {}

var validators = validate.createAll(VALIDATORS, MyTypes)

// Error: Could not find validator for type: PhoneNumber

Mapping to ORM Schemas

Coming soon. Will be similar to implementation of validate.js

API: runtime-types

readFile. See example

// read a file synchronously and return a type definition for each type alias found
// keys are the name of the alias
// values are the type description
// you should run this when your program starts


Property and Type

type Property = {
  key: string;
  type: Type;
  optional?: boolean;

type Type = {
  name: string; // number, string, boolean, Post, User, Array

  literal?: string; // for string literals

  nullable?: boolean;

  // only filled for object types
  properties?: Array<Property>;

  // only filled for generics, like Array<XX>
  params?: Array<Type>;

export type ObjectMap<T> = {[key: string]: T}

API: validate

See the example

This library returns ValidateObject functions: they accept an object and return an array of errors

type ValidationError = string;

type KeyedError = {
  key: string;
  value: string;
  error: ValidationError;

type ValidateObject = (value:Object) => Array<KeyedError>

Create a single validate function

create(map:ValidatorMap, type:Type):ValidateObject;

Create a map of validation functions, with keys equal to the name of the types

createAll(map:ValidatorMap, types:ObjectMap<Type>):ObjectMap<ValidateObject>;

Validators are the functions that you use as building blocks. They return either true or an error message

type Validator<T> = (value:T) => ValidationResult

// use === true to test
type ValidationResult = boolean | ValidationError;

Provided Validators:





The ValidationMap connects types to validators

type ValidatorMap = {[key:string]:Validator}

// the default validation map, override by passing to `create`

var VALIDATORS_BY_TYPE:ValidatorMap = {
  "string"  : validateTypeOf("string"),
  "number"  : validateTypeOf("number"),
  "boolean" : validateTypeOf("boolean"),
  "Date"    : validateInstanceOf(Date),
  "Object"  : validateExists(),
npm i runtime-types


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Sean Hess
  • released 5/27/2015

