
A lightweight, URL-free router for React applications for use in Chrome extensions or Electron apps
router react route lite


Route Lite is a simple, small (2.2kb minified), stack-based router that allows basic navigation by pushing to and popping from the router's state.


The library exports three objects:

export default class Router extends React.Component { /* ... */ }
export function goTo(component: ReactComponent, props: object) { /* ... */ }
export function goBack()

<Router />

The Router class is a React component that accepts no props, but can have children. The children of Router will be rendered when no known components are available in the Router's history.

The Router should be placed at the application root.

<Link />

The Link component is a convient way to link to an external website or a new component wihtout manually calling goTo. Accepted properties are:

Link.propTypes = {
  href: PropTypes.string,  // to direct to an external site
  component: PropTypes.instanceOf(React.Component),  // to put a new component on the stack
  componentProps: PropTypes.object,
  className: PropTypes.string,
  id: PropTypes.string,
  onClick: PropTypes.func,

NOTE: There is a "whitelist" of sorts for props, only data- props will be propogated down to the child link component.

goTo(component, props)

The goTo method accepts two arguments, a component and props. These must be separated so they can be kept in history without having to keep all components rendered at once.


goBack will simply pop the last history item off the stack, effectively returning to the previous screen.


Route Lite has a simple API that makes it easy to get started with no config. No declaring routes, no config file, just render the parent component and push components to the stack:

import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import Router, { Link, goBack } from 'route-lite';

const A = () => {
  return (
      componentProps={{text: "Component B"}}
      Component A

const B = ({text}) => {
  return <div onClick={() => goBack()}>{text}</div>

ReactDOM.render(<Router><A /></Router>, document.querySelector('body'));

The library is also available as a UMD or CommonJS build.


  • ISC
  • Whatever
  • Adam Markon
  • released 10/2/2017

