
ES7 decorators that simplify Koa and Express route creation
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route-decorators for Koa/Express


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ES7 decorators that simplify Koa and Express route creation. Using these decorators, you can write your controllers like below and have all the routes populated.


import {controller, get, post} from 'route-decorators'

@controller('/users', middleware1)
class UserCtrl {

  @get('/:id', middleware2, middleware3)
  async get(context, next) {}

  async post(context, next) {}


import {controller, get, post} from 'route-decorators'

@controller('/users', middleware1)
class UserCtrl {

  @get('/:id', middleware2, middleware3)
  async get(req, res, next) {}

  async post(req, res, next) {}

Once the decorators are applied, every controller instance will receive a $routes array, which you can use to define actual Koa/Express routes.

Assume the above UserCtrl definition, you can define routes in UserCtrl's constructor (although really you can put the code anywhere) as follows:


import Router from 'koa-66'

// Inside controller constructor
this.router = new Router()
for (const {method, url, middleware, fnName} of this.$routes) {
  this.router[method](url, ...middleware, this[fnName].bind(this))


import express from 'express'

// Inside controller constructor
this.router = express.Router()
for (const {method, url, middleware, fnName} of this.$routes) {
  this.router[method](url, ...middleware, (req, res, next) => {
    this[fnName](req, res, next).catch(next)

You can move the above logic to some base controller in your app and reuse it for every controller. For example:

class BaseCtrl {
  constructor() {
    this.router = new Router()
    for (const {method, url, middleware, fnName} of this.$routes) {
      this.router[method](url, ...middleware, this[fnName].bind(this))

class UserCtrl extends BaseCtrl {
  // decorated methods as above


  • @controller(path: optional, ...middleware: optional)
  • @route(method, path: optional, ...middleware: optional)
  • @head, @options, @get, @post, @put, @patch, @del, @delete, @all: wrappers of @route that automatically supply the method argument.


npm install
npm test
npm i route-decorators


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Buu Nguyen
  • released 1/6/2016

