
Import deduplicated references to intrinsic values using realm: scheme URIs
rollup-plugin intrinsics paranoia

Rollup Plugin ‘Realm URI’

This Rollup plugin adds support for ES import specifiers that use a realm: scheme URI to allow importing deduplicated, fixed references to global values within the current realm.



  • Meta: No longer generating a CJS entrypoint in dist
  • Meta: Now exporting an esbuild() adapter function
  • Bug fix: Importing the realm:ArrayIteratorPrototype/ context now works
  • Behavior: #g and #s now pick up inherited accessors
  • Behavior: #g and #s will now return undefined if LHS is nullish
  • Behavior: the t=i, t=b, and t=n transforms do the same

A summary of the main change here: apart from those using #d, realm URI imports are now forgiving of intermediate members which are null or undefined. Nullish values will pass through as undefined even if there’s a transform applied.

This makes realm URIs more flexible for scenarios where you’re interested in built-in values which may not be present, e.g. due to Window vs Worker, [SecureContext], or when using newer APIs that aren’t available everywhere.

Usage example

In the following module, you want to use find, but you don’t trust the env to leave intrinsics alone. Or perhaps this function wants to accept any array-like, not limited to arrays:

import find from 'realm:Array.prototype.find?t=invert';

export function getFoo(arr) {
  return find(arr, member => === 'foo');

Your rollup config for this might look like so:

import rollupPluginRealmURI from 'rollup-plugin-realm-uri';

export default {
  input: 'src/index.mjs',
  output: { format: 'esm', file: 'dist/index.mjs' },
  plugins: [ rollupPluginRealmURI() ]

Or, using esbuild:

import * as realmURIPlugin from 'rollup-plugin-realm-uri';{
  bundle: true,
  entryPoints: [ 'src/index.mjs' ],
  format: 'esm',
  outfile: 'dist/index.mjs',
  plugins: [ realmURIPlugin.esbuild() ],
  target: 'esnext'

When is this useful?

Realm URIs try to address some of the awkwardness of authoring highly defensive JavaScript. We should first explore ‘when is it worthwhile to write defensive JavaScript?’, then look at how realm URIs may help with that. For that matter, we should probably start by clarifying what’s meant by ‘defensive’ here.

‘Defensive code’ can mean several things. Here, it’s something pretty specific: code that aims to reduce the ‘assumption surface area’ regarding globally mutable state. While many dynamic languages have shared global state, this can be particularly challenging in JS.

Typically, if we want to use Date, we just type Date. It’s already in scope — it’s a global. Likewise for Object.keys and many others. We also call inherited built-in methods all the time — myArray.forEach, say. Those methods are global too, just not in all the same senses.

When we do this, we’re making assumptions about global state that is actually mutable (unless we’ve frozen the realm or are inside certain kinds of secure sandboxes). Usually when we talk about ‘global state,’ we’re only to referring to globally-scoped variables introduced by our application code. However there’s no essential difference between these and the intrinsics defined by ECMAScript itself (or HTML, etc).

There are good reasons to pretend there is a difference, though. It’s generally impractical and counterproductive to worry about the global mutable state of builtins. We accept the fiction that code relying on global state has defined behavior (sometimes even labeling it ‘pure’) because giving it defined behavior takes a lot of extra work, makes the code less approachable, and typically will not produce significant (or any) benefit. Instead, we have a sanity-preserving rule for human beings: ‘no one should alter intrinsics except to (accurately) polyfill’. It’s a caveat emptor, really. If someone writes nonsense like, say, = console.log, then opens a GitHub issue on a library complaining that the library wasn’t robust enough to handle this ... well, it’s a pretty safe bet that the issue will get closed with wontfix and one to four laughing-face emoji.

Even if we might consider these circumstances suboptimal, it seems to work out alright almost always. So what conditions might make the caveat emptor inadequate? The most perfect example is occurs in the context of adblocking extensions. Adblockers are in an arms race with other code in the same (or connected) realms to control certain facets of the environment — while remaining undetected. Every assumption the adblocker makes about global state could become an opportunity for anti-adblocking code to compromise the adblocker. Instead of code that wants to work together, here we’re looking at two applications in an adversarial relationship running in a shared environment. A ‘you just shouldn’t do that’ golden rule means nothing here.

There are less extreme scenarios where defensiveness about global state may also be worthwhile. Polyfills, which often aim to be spec compliant implementations to whatever extent is possible, are another place you’re apt to find it. The internal operations of native implementations are never affected by the state of the ES realm, so a high fidelity polyfill would not be, either. Since polyfills are generally narrow in scope, the extra effort involved in this defensiveness tends to stay manageable and justifiable.

More generally, libraries which will be used on many uncontrolled websites may wish to take on some measure of defensiveness. It may be targeted, addressing only well-known hauntings like MooTools. Effective defensive code may benefit from entering a mindset where other code is presumed to be adversarial, but this shouldn’t be mistaken for ascribing real-world malicious intent. Almost all realm poisoning occuring in nature is well-intentioned or historical and just happens to break our expectations today. If you’re authoring shared widgets like, say, the Twitter embed, whose audience will include people with limited development experience on Wordpress sites that load seven different instances of jQuery per page, ‘don’t you know you shouldn’t do that?’ is neither realistic nor fair to your users. There’s some really wild shit out there, but there isn’t always somebody around who can fix it.

I’ve mentioned or implied a few times that defensive JS has a cost. It’s a pretty high cost. It influences how code is written in deep ways — you have to pay attention to things that are normally treated as implementation details. The code will become less idiomatic, sometimes downright strange. The potential benefits in a given case must be weighed against the downside of a codebase which may become harder to understand and which requires some less-common domain expertise to be maintained.

Why do you, author, care about this?


Mainly curiosity, which I think began when I worked at Wistia. The Wistia video player is used on a ton of websites. Occasionally, a bug investigation would reveal the root cause was one of our innocent looking environmental assumptions being invalidated by realm poisoning. Sometimes these issues can be totally unique to one website — it’s not always due to old toolbelt libs. People are very creative! Those sorts of bugs are hard to trace (especially since you’re looking at somebody else’s production site), and I wondered whether there were generalizable mitigation strategies that could improve the odds of a library trudging right through a JavaScript Bosch painting unfazed.

I’m also an insufferable extensible-web nutcase, so anything that helps bring ES-authored APIs to parity with native implementations pushes my buttons. Ultimately, though, I just think it’s an interesting problem space.

How do realm URIs help?

The most common tool for mitigating against global mutation affecting your code is capturing references to intrinsic values at module or script evaluation time instead of dynamically accessing them later on.

It’s impossible to eliminate assumptions about global state while also availing ourselves of built-in platform functionality — some of which will be the only place that primitive functionality exists. For example, the primitive building blocks for weak associations live in WeakSet and WeakMap’s (mutable) APIs. Short of reimplementing JS and its garbage collection in the JS layer, we cannot make use of weak associations without touching those APIs at least once.

Consider the following two similar modules:

export function isSafeInteger(value) {
  return (
    Number.isInteger(value) &&
    value >= Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER &&
    value <= Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER
const { isInteger, MIN_SAFE_INTEGER, MAX_SAFE_INTEGER } = Number;

export function isSafeInteger(value) {
  return (
    isInteger(value) &&
    value >= MIN_SAFE_INTEGER &&
    value <= MAX_SAFE_INTEGER

Both of these modules expect Number to be defined, and both expect it to have three properties with particular values. The difference is not the assumptions themselves, but rather their scope. The former module makes these assumptions again every time the isSafeInteger function is invoked, while the latter only makes the assumptions once, at module evaluation time.

Realm URIs provide a way to import intrinsics like these, deduplicating the ‘capture statements’ that might end up repeated many times otherwise.

import isInteger from 'realm:Number.isInteger';

Each module that uses isInteger will point at a single module that performs the property access once during initial evaluation. But this example doesn’t show us much — to be honest, the import isn’t much of an improvement here. Where things get interesting is methods.

Avoiding dynamic property access after initial evaluation is not usually as simple as in the above example. Methods and accessors introduce the most common complication:

const { slice } = Array.prototype;

// How to use slice? If we do, we’re only moving the problem
// around, since now we’re dynamically accessing

To address this, realm URIs may include a query parameter, transform=invert, which requests a new version of the target method which takes the receiver (this) as its first argument. Transform queries have shorthand because they are needed frequently.

import slice from 'realm:Array.prototype.slice?t=i';

slice([ 1, 2, 3 ], 1); // [ 2, 3 ]
How does invert work?


Invert uses Reflect.apply (captured) to invoke the wrapped function with a specific receiver (this arg) without using property lookup. Doing this directly in your code adds a lot of noisy boilerplate, so the declarative wrapping can help a lot.

Both Reflect.apply and Function.prototype.apply take an argument that represents the arguments to invoke the target function with. The astute paranoiac may wonder if this is safe — won’t @@iterator and next be called? Fortunately, both of these methods accept an arraylike, not an iterable, and array index keyed properties and the length property of an array exotic object are reliable in this context.

JS written without methods may tend to end up looking lispy. Methods that would typically be chained end up nested instead: becomes qux(baz(bar(foo))). The usual order can still be had if you perform a series of assignments instead of nesting, but if you happen to be playing around with the pipeline operator proposal, you might actually consider this an ergonomic enhancement. Generally, methodless JS plays a little nicer with functional programming patterns.

Aside from its inadvertent friendliness towards functional programming, another incidental benefit is that it tends to increase opportunities for name mangling during minification. Even after compression, name mangling is typically the most effective minification technique. In code that makes heavy, repeated use of builtin APIs, the difference is sometimes pretty significant.

The sum effect of using realm URIs in defensive code is that they help reduce boilerplate, avoid bloat, and bring a bit of consistency to what may tend to end up feeling like a pretty messy set of concerns.

Having looked at examples of the core functionality, we can now dig into the realm URI grammar and what each part of the URI means.

Realm URIs

Just to be clear: the realm: scheme is not a formally registered URI scheme. It is defined here and implemented only by this library.

Realm scheme URIs conform to the URL specification. They are non-special and they do not have username, password, hostname, or port, but they do have pathname, fragment, and query portions.


The pathname consists of two parts: the context and the path.


The context determines the base (leftmost) value of the virtual member expression which the URI describes.

The examples we have seen so far omitted an explicit context. The default, globalThis, is usually what you want. However there is some intrinsic global state which cannot be reached from globalThis (or which can only be reached using Annex B properties) and that’s where explicit contexts come in.

A context is an identifier followed by one slash.

import next from 'realm:ArrayIteratorPrototype/next';

There are currently 19 possible context values. Aside from globalThis, their names can be found in the list of well-known intrinsic objects*. Specifically, they are the rows in that table where the ‘global name’ cells are blank. When used in a realm URI, the delimiting percent signs (which would collide with URI percent encoding) are omitted.

* Presently %RegExpStringIteratorPrototype% is missing from the list but I believe this is accidental.

Property path

The rest of the pathname is the (property) path, which resembles a member expression. Segments may be ES identifiers (bare), prefixed with a period except in initial position, or they may use a bracket notation for describing both string and symbol keys (well-known or global).

Multiple representations may exist for a single URI pointing at a single module:

import createA from 'realm:Object.create';
import createB from 'realm:["Object"]["create"]';
import createC from 'realm:Object.creat%65';

assert(createA === createB);
assert(createA === createC);

// Okay, not a good demo of the fact that they’re all the same module instance
// and not three that export the same value, but you get the idea.

The canonical representation is the shortest representation. If the canonical path, query, and fragment are the same, they are understood to point at the same module. Paths describing different properties are distinct, even if they happen to point at the same value. For example, "realm:Object" and "realm:constructor" are different modules.

Strings are double-quote delimited. Well-known symbols use @@identifier notation, where identifier is the property name by which the well-known symbol is exposed on Symbol. Global symbols use @@"string" notation.

import values from 'realm:Array.prototype[@@iterator]';
import inspectURL from 'realm:URL.prototype[@@"nodejs.util.inspect.custom"]';

The property path can be empty. In this case, the URI is addressing the context directly. Since the context part is also optional, the URI realm: is valid: import globalThis from 'realm:';.

What is a well-known or global symbol?


A well-known symbol is one defined by ES proper, like Symbol.iterator. A global symbol is one accessed through Symbol.for(string). In both cases, these symbols can be generically serialized — the former because the name to value mapping is defined by ES and the latter because the string is sufficient for obtaining the symbol in any realm. Symbols created with Symbol(), however, are not generically serializable and can’t be expressed in URIs.


The query portion of the URI currently supports a single parameter, transform.

parameter short target wat
transform=bind t=b method bind receiver to LHS
transform=invert t=i method unshift receiver into signature
transform=none t=n any value as-is

Whether a given tranformation is applicable depends on the nature of the target of the URI, which is generally not something known until runtime. The default is ‘none’. We’ll now look at what each transformation does, starting with the most useful item, invert.

Transform: Invert

The ‘invert’ transformation takes a method and returns a non-method function. The new function accepts the would-be receiver (this value) as its first argument:

import pop from 'realm:Array.prototype.pop?t=invert';

pop([ 3, 4 ]); // 4

Transform: Bind

The bind transformation is only occasionally useful. It is mainly helpful for static methods which are receiver-sensitive, like those of Promise, or for instance methods which you may want to associate with an existing singleton instance. Consider the following module using ‘invert’:

import Promise from 'realm:Promise';
import createElement from 'realm:Document.prototype.createElement?t=i';
import document from 'realm:document';
import resolve from 'realm:Promise.resolve?t=i';

const promise = resolve(Promise, createElement(document, 'marquee'));

In practice, it’s very likely that we always want to use Promise as the receiver for resolve, and perhaps we know we always want to create elements using the local document instance. We can simplify this using bind, then:

import resolve from 'realm:Promise.resolve?t=bind';
import createElement from 'realm:document.createElement?t=bind';

const promise = resolve(createElement('marquee'));

Other transforms

I’ve experimented with a third transform, ‘snapshot’, intended for constructors. The snapshot transform would return a new class with a cloned, flattened interface, allowing (potentially) safe use of ordinary methods, provided the snapshot instances are used only internally. This approach is effective for Array (because of @@species) and RegExp (because of ... everything). But there are caveats, especially for userland classes. The constraints are complex and challenging to communicate, so I haven’t felt it is suitable for inclusion yet.


The fragment portion of the URI must be, if present, one of the following:

fragment short meaning
#descriptor #d target is the property descriptor
#get #g target is get function of the property descriptor
#set #s target is set function of the property descriptor
#value #v target is the property value (retrieved with Get())

The default is #value. The property may be inherited by the lefthand side object rather than its own property except when the #descriptor fragment is used.

Accessor get/set functions are effectively methods, just exposed through a different API, so they are suitable for use with the invert transform.

import getSetSize from 'realm:Set.prototype.size?t=i#get';

getSetSize(new Set('abc')); // 3


Percent-encoded bytes describing valid UTF-8 code unit sequences are legal in Realm URIs, but as in other URIs, only to represent values that aren’t syntactic constructs in the realm URI grammar. Depending on context, realm URIs consider periods, brackets, at-signs, and double quotes to be syntactic where an HTTP URL would not. For example, realm:%41rray.of is valid while realm:Array%2Eof isn’t.

The realm URI grammar must be a subset of the URL grammar. This means that a "?" or "#" terminates the pathname portion of a URI even if it occurs within brackets or quotes. These characters must be percent-encoded.

Valid combinations

Certain combinations of transforms, targets, and paths are not valid, but it will probably be apparent why. For example, you cannot use invert with descriptor because we know that a descriptor target will never be a function. Where it’s possible for us to know that a combination is invalid statically, an error will be thrown at compilation time.

Additional considerations

The realm URI scheme aims to make writing defensive JS more comfortable, but using it does not instantly make code ‘safer’. There are many additional considerations when avoiding sensitivity to realm mutation which are not addressed at all here. Ultimately you have to know exactly what a function is doing to be able to say whether it’s safe. Some intrinsics require special wrapping or custom reimplementation to patch the holes.

npm i rollup-plugin-realm-uri


  • ISC
  • Whatever
  • Darien Maillet Valentine
  • released 4/4/2021

