
A Rollup plugin to import CSS into JavaScript
rollup rollup-plugin css import modules


A Rollup plugin to import CSS into JavaScript

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import css from "rollup-plugin-import-css";

export default {
    input: "index.js",
    output: { file: "dist/index.js", format: "esm" },
    plugins: [ css() ]

This plugins supports three forms of importing css.

import "./styles.css"; /* extract the styles to a external css bundle */
import styles from "./styles.css"; /* import the styles as a string */
import styles from "./styles.css" assert { type: "css" }; /* import the styles as a CSSStyleSheet */

NOTICE: using import assertions requires Rollup v3+

If your build uses preserveModules, this plugin will process and output your css files while maintaining their original file structure.

This plugin respects the import order of your css files.



Type: array or string Default: []

A single file, or array of files to include when minifying.


Type: array or string Default: []

A single file, or array of files to exclude when minifying.


Type: string Default: null

An output file name for the css bundle. By default output.assetFileNames is used.


Type: Function Default: null

The transform function is used for processing the CSS, it receives a string containing the code to process as an argument. The function should return a string.


Type: boolean Default: false

Minifies the css being imported.


Type: boolean Default: false

All css files being imported with a variable will use native CSS Modules.


Type: boolean Default: false

All css files being imported will be injected into the document head at runtime.


Type: boolean Default: false

Always output a css bundle even if the css output is empty.


With modern web frameworks, its useful to be able to import the css for components in a variety of ways. Other solutions for Rollup either lack features or are large and bloated with extra features that some users may not need such as SASS or LESS support. This plugin is small and by default only supports standard css with the option to process it further. Unlike most other css plugins this plugin maintains the order of your imports in order to avoid overwritting css unexpectedly and respects Rollup's preserveModules option.

Reporting Issues

If you are having trouble getting something to work with this plugin or run into any problems, you can create a new Issue.

If this plugin does not fit your needs or is missing a feature you would like to see, let us know! We would greatly appreciate your feedback on it.


rollup-plugin-import-css is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.

npm i rollup-plugin-import-css


  • MIT
  • >=16
  • Jacob Leeson
  • released 10/10/2024

