
Custom markdown fenced code block directives for Rocket


Custom markdown fenced code block directives for Rocket


Add the preset to your rocket.config.js, and configure it with a collections object. collections is a record of collection names to tab types. For example, if you want code tabs which switch between install commands for npm, yarn, and pnpm, add the following:

import { mdDirectives } from 'rocket-preset-markdown-directives';

export default {
  presets: [
      directives: {
        // global CSS
        global: (_, { node }) => ({ tagName: 'style', textContent: node.value }),
        // wrap in `<code-copy>`
        copy: () => ({ tagName: 'code-copy' }),
        // wrap in `<my-el data-id="${id}">`
        mine: ([id]) => ({ tagName: 'my-el', attributes: { 'data-id': id } }),


Directives have the form

```{lang} {directive} {...args}
  1. lang is the language used to syntax-highlight the code block
  2. directive is the command specified in the directives config object.
  3. ...args is an array of strings, which are the space-separated arguments to the directive

The functions which are the values of the config object take two arguments

  1. The array of args
  2. An object containing { node, parent, page, rocketConfig }, which are either AST nodes (node and parent or config values

An example page using the above config:

# Example Page

```css global
 * This code does not appear on the page,
 * Rather it is applied to the document
h1 {
  font-style: italic;

Try this snippet in your own project:

```js copy
customElements.define('x-l', class XElement extends HTMLElement { });

```html mine something-something
  You define how `<my-el>` works and load in onto this page,
  and what it does with the `data-id="something-something"` attribute.


This preset works well with eleventy-plugin-add-web-component-definitions. Use it with rocket like so:

import addWebComponentDefinitions from 'eleventy-plugin-add-web-component-definitions';
import { mdDirectives } from 'rocket-preset-markdown-directives';

export default {
  presets: [
    mdDirectives({ directives: {/*...*/} }),

  setupEleventyPlugins: [
      name: 'auto-import-custom-elements',
      plugin: addWebComponentDefinitions,
      location: 'bottom',
      options: {
        quiet: true,
        singleScript: true,

    adjustPluginOptions('auto-import-custom-elements', options => ({
      specifiers: {
        'my-el': '/path/to/my-el.js',

npm i rocket-preset-markdown-directives


  • ISC
  • Whatever
  • Benny Powers
  • released 7/11/2021

