
A more intuitive node-retry which behaves more like async.retry. Utilizes Backo under the hood for backoff.



A more intuitive node-retry which behaves more like async.retry. Utilizes Backo under the hood for backoff.

Retryme also supports async/await now for retrying async attempt functions.


Regular usage

Here's the example of how to use retryme in normal ways.

var Retryme = require('retryme');

// This function will have the same arguments as the function being attempted
// `opts` here include `min` `max` for Backo configuration as well as `retries`.
var operation = new Retryme({
  retries: 2,
  min: 50,
  max: 10000

operation.attempt((next) => {
  request('', (err, res, body) => {
  if (err || res.statusCode !== 200) {
    return next(err || new Error(`Invalid status code ${res.statusCode}`));
  next(null, body);
}, (err, body) => {
  if (err) return /* handle me */

Now if we want to ignore certain types of errors, we pass a function for configuring those cases

var retry = require('retryme');

const op = retry.op(err => err.message.includes('404'));

op.attempt(next => {
  request('', (err, res, body) => {
    if (err || res.statusCode !== 200) {
    // any 404 error here will no longer be retried due to the function above
    return next(err || new Error(`Invalid status code ${res.statusCode}`));
  next(null, body);
}, (err, body) => {
  if (err) return /* handle me */

Async/await Support

Retryme now supports async/await by providing .async function to retry async attempt functions.

A simple example of how to use it is as follows:

// example of calling the method for async functions returning Promises.
const readFileAsync = require('util').promisify(require('fs').readFile);
const Retryme = require('retryme');

async function main() {
  const op = new Retryme({
    retries: 2,
    min: 50,
    max: 10000
  }, some_ignore_function_if_exists);

  // Wrap a simple file read with retries.
  try {
    const fileContent = await op.async(() => readFileAsync(__dirname + '/index.js'));
  } catch(err) {
    console.log('error after 2 attempts');

// it supports async functions
async function foo(bad) {
  if (bad !== 'hola') return 'bar';
  throw Error('what happened');

async function main() {
  const op = new Retryme();
  try {
    const result = await op.async(() => foo('hello'));
  } catch(err) {

// it also supports thenables
async function main() {
  await op.async(() => {
    return {
      then: (f, r) => {
        // real functionality happens here


npm test

npm i retryme


  • ISC
  • Whatever
  • Jarrett Cruger
  • released 5/25/2018
