
Returns a promise that resolves once condition is met
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Returns a promise that resolves once condition is met



resolve-when is published at, and can be installed using npm or yarn.

$ npm install resolve-when  # npm
$ yarn add resolve-when     # yarn
import resolveWhen from 'resolve-when';       // ES6+
const resolveWhen = require('resolve-when');  // ES5


resolveWhen is a function with the following signature:

resolveWhen(condition, options)
  • condition Function - a function that will be evaluated to determine when resolveWhen should resolve. It is not passed any parameters. Defaults to a function that always resolves to true
  • options Object
    • max Integer - Maximum number of times that condition should be ran. If max is undefined, 0, a negative number, or Infinity, it will iterate forever. Defaults to undefined
    • interval Integer - Number of milliseconds to wait before running condition again. Defaults to 50

Defaults properties

resolveWhen.defaults is a read-only property containing the default options object used.

Return Values

If condition returns true, resolveWhen will resolve without any value.

If the maximum number of iterations has been reached and condition has not returned true, resolveWhen will reject with Error(`Maximum iterations (${max}) exceeded`), where max is the same as options.max


$ git clone [email protected]:d4nyll/resolve-when.git
$ yarn
$ yarn run test


Tests are written in Mocha with the assert module. We are also using lolex as a fake timer to ensure our unit tests run as quick as possible.

Code Quality

We have used husky to help you ensure:

  • Your code is linted
  • All tests pass
  • Coverage is at 100%

Any PRs which does not pass the linter, tests or coverage tools will be rejected.


FOSSA Status

npm i resolve-when


  • MIT
  • >=6
  • Daniel Li
  • released 1/1/2020

