
Small tool to create a resilio config and watch for changes to restart the sync daemon on changes

Resilio Sync Watch Config

NPM Version node Build Status Dependency Status Dev Dependency Status Docker Hub Image

This tool was created to support the Resilio Sync Home software on headless devices.

Install locally

Just install it globally with npm:

npm i -g resilio-sync-watch-config


resilio-sync-watch-config [options] config.json
  index.js [options] config.json

  -b, --resilioBin [FILE]Binary of Resilio. Can be used if rslsync is not in
                         PATH.  (Default is rslsync)
  -s, --start BOOL       Start resilio sync after config generation
  -w, --watchmode BOOL   Watch config changes and restart Resilio Sync on
                         change. Implies -s
  -k, --key STRING       Key of Resilio Sync Share which contains configs to
                         load. Should be read-only key. Implies -sw and
                         requires --basedir
  -f, --keyfile FILE     File containing the key of a Resilio Sync Share. See
  -b, --basedir DIR      Basedir used to sync Resilio Sync Share into. See
  -v, --version          Display the current version
  -h, --help             Display help and usage details

Multiple config.json are possible in order to combine multiple configs into one. When using --key or --keyfile every *.json directly placed into the shared folder is combined and used.

systemd Service

Instructions for this are in the subfolder systemd

Install via docker

Use the Docker Image inside a Docker Swarm. Provide the secret /run/secrets/resilio-share.txt which will be used as --keyfile.

See Usage and the Dockerfile CMD for more info what happens there.

Example compose file which is deployed as a docker stack:

version: '3.7'

    file: secrets/resilio-share.txt


    image: edjopato/resilio-sync-watch-config:2
      - resilio-share.txt
      - folders:/folders


In my case I dont want to use the webgui so I created config files with the folders in it. Nearly every entry has the same content so it was much of a copy paste process to add something. With the config staying inside an sync folder to be edited on my local computer I had to connect to the remote servers and restart resilio manually.

So i needed an abstraction of a config that will be parsed and restarts Resilio Sync when its changed. So I created this tool.


The config is a simple json file.

  "basedir": "/path/to/resilio/base/folder/",
  "folders": {
    "uniStuff": "<key>",
    "homeStuff": "<key>",
    "tmp": "<key>"
  "passthrough": {
    "folder_defaults.use_lan_broadcast": false,
    "sync_trash_ttl": 1,
    "use_upnp": false

This config will lead to the following output config:

  "device_name": "hostname",
  "storage_path": "/path/to/resilio/base/folder/.sync",
  "shared_folders": [
      "dir": "/path/to/resilio/base/folder/uniStuff",
      "secret": "<key>"
      "dir": "/path/to/resilio/base/folder/homeStuff",
      "secret": "<key>"
      "dir": "/path/to/resilio/base/folder/tmp",
      "secret": "<key>"
  "folder_defaults.use_lan_broadcast": false,
  "sync_trash_ttl": 1,
  "use_upnp": false

The device_name is generated from the hostname of the running machine.

The input config of this tool (the above one) contains 3 keys: basedir, folders and passthrough.

basedir describes the root folder of the synced folders. It will also contain the .sync folder (storage_path) for the offical resilio sync config folder.

folders contains an object with the names and keys of the folders to be synced. The folders will be synced to <basedir>/<foldername>. In this case, the tmp folder will be synced to /path/to/resilio/base/folder/tmp/.

The passthrough key contains an object, that can contain any offical resilio sync config setting. These settings will override any other settings. For example will this tool generate the device_name key in the resilio config. if the device_name key is set in the passthrough section too, it will override it.

npm i resilio-sync-watch-config


  • MIT
  • >=10.17
  • EdJoPaTo
  • released 11/27/2020

