
Enforce policies on all or some of the files in a git repository.
policy ci

repopo - police the files in your git repo with extensible policies

repopo is a tool to apply policies to the files in your git repo. You can think of it as a sort of lint tool for any file in your git repo, with a straightforward way to write your own policies.

Configuring policies

Repopo and its policies can be configured in a repopo.config.ts (or .cjs, or .mjs) file in the root of the repo. Using a TypeScript configuration file is recommended.

The policy config must export a default object of the type PolicyConfig.

Excluding files from policy check

By default, all files in the repo are checked. You can exclude files completely from the policy check by configuring the d excludeFiles setting. It should be an array of strings/regular expressions. Paths that match any of these expressions will be completely excluded from all policies.

You can exclude files from individual policies as well. To do this, set the excludePoliciesForFiles setting. It should be an object with keys that match policy names. The value is an array of strings/regular expressions. Paths that match any of these expressions will be excluded from that policy only.

Configuring individual policies

Individual policies can be configured using the policySettings setting. Use the policy name as the key, with the policy settings as the value.

Included policies

repopo includes the following policies. All of the included policies are enabled by default.


The NoJsFileExtensions policy checks for JavaScript source files that just use the .js file extension. Such files may be interpreted by Node.js as either CommonJS or ESM based on the type field in the nearest package.json file. This can create unexpected behavior for JS files; changing the package.json nearest to one will change how the JS is processed by node. Using explicit file extensions reduces ambiguity and ensures a CJS file isn't suddenly treated like an ESM file.


The PackageJsonProperties policy is used to enforce fields in package.json files across the repo.


The verbatim setting requires that all the configured fields in package.json match the values in the configuration.

import type { PolicyConfig } from "@tylerbu/repopo";
const config: PolicyConfig = {
    policySettings: {
        PackageJsonProperties: {
      // This setting will force all package.json files to contain these fields with the exact configured values.
            verbatim: {
                license: "MIT",
                author: "Tyler Butler <[email protected]>",
                bugs: "",


A RepoPolicy that checks that the property in package.json is set correctly. If the repository field is a string instead of an object the package will be ignored.


repopo check

Checks and applies policies to the files in the repository.

  $ repopo check [-f] [--stdin] [-D <value>... | -d <value>] [-p <value>]

  -D, --excludePolicy=<value>...  Exclude policies by name. Can be specified multiple times to exclude multiple
  -d, --policy=<value>            Filter policies to apply by <regex>. Only policies with a name matching the regex will
                                  be applied.
  -f, --fix                       Fix errors if possible.
  -p, --path=<value>              Filter file paths by <regex>.
      --stdin                     Read list of files from stdin.

See code: src/commands/check.ts

repopo list

Lists the policies configured to run.

  $ repopo list [-D <value>... | -d <value>] [-p <value>]

  -D, --excludePolicy=<value>...  Exclude policies by name. Can be specified multiple times to exclude multiple
  -d, --policy=<value>            Filter policies to apply by <regex>. Only policies with a name matching the regex will
                                  be applied.
  -p, --path=<value>              Filter file paths by <regex>.

See code: src/commands/list.ts

npm i repopo


  • MIT
  • >=18.0.0
  • Tyler Butler
  • released 10/7/2024

