
remark plugin to add support for serializing markdown
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remark plugin to add support for serializing to markdown.


What is this?

This package is a unified (remark) plugin that defines how to take a syntax tree as input and turn it into serialized markdown. When it’s used, markdown is serialized as the final result.

See the monorepo readme for info on what the remark ecosystem is.

When should I use this?

This plugin adds support to unified for serializing markdown. If you also need to parse markdown, you can alternatively use remark, which combines unified, remark-parse, and this plugin.

If you don’t use plugins and have access to a syntax tree, you can directly use mdast-util-to-markdown, which is used inside this plugin. remark focusses on making it easier to transform content by abstracting these internals away.

You can combine this plugin with other plugins to add syntax extensions. Notable examples that deeply integrate with it are remark-gfm, remark-mdx, remark-frontmatter, remark-math, and remark-directive. You can also use any other remark plugin before remark-stringify.


This package is ESM only. In Node.js (version 16+), install with npm:

npm install remark-stringify

In Deno with

import remarkStringify from ''

In browsers with

<script type="module">
  import remarkStringify from ''


Say we have the following module example.js:

import rehypeParse from 'rehype-parse'
import rehypeRemark from 'rehype-remark'
import remarkStringify from 'remark-stringify'
import {unified} from 'unified'

const doc = `
<p><b>Uranus</b> is the seventh
<a href="/wiki/Planet" title="Planet">planet</a> from the Sun and is a gaseous
cyan <a href="/wiki/Ice_giant" title="Ice giant">ice giant</a>.</p>

const file = await unified()


…then running node example.js yields:

# Uranus

**Uranus** is the seventh [planet](/wiki/Planet "Planet") from the Sun and is a gaseous cyan [ice giant](/wiki/Ice_giant "Ice giant").


This package exports no identifiers. The default export is remarkStringify.

unified().use(remarkStringify[, options])

Add support for serializing to markdown.

  • options (Options, optional) — configuration

Nothing (undefined).


Configuration (TypeScript type).

  • bullet ('*', '+', or '-', default: '*') — marker to use for bullets of items in unordered lists
  • bulletOther ('*', '+', or '-', default: '-' when bullet is '*', '*' otherwise) — marker to use in certain cases where the primary bullet doesn’t work; cannot be equal to bullet
  • bulletOrdered ('.' or ')', default: '.') — marker to use for bullets of items in ordered lists
  • closeAtx (boolean, default: false) — add the same number of number signs (#) at the end of an ATX heading as the opening sequence
  • emphasis ('*' or '_', default: '*') — marker to use for emphasis
  • fence ('`' or '~', default: '`') — marker to use for fenced code
  • fences (boolean, default: true) — use fenced code always; when false, uses fenced code if there is a language defined, if the code is empty, or if it starts or ends in blank lines
  • handlers (Handlers, optional) — handle particular nodes; see mdast-util-to-markdown for more info
  • incrementListMarker (boolean, default: true) — increment the counter of ordered lists items
  • join (Array<Join>, optional) — how to join blocks; see mdast-util-to-markdown for more info
  • listItemIndent ('mixed', 'one', or 'tab', default: 'one') — how to indent the content of list items; either with the size of the bullet plus one space (when 'one'), a tab stop ('tab'), or depending on the item and its parent list: 'mixed' uses 'one' if the item and list are tight and 'tab' otherwise
  • quote ('"' or "'", default: '"') — marker to use for titles
  • resourceLink (boolean, default: false) — always use resource links ([text](url)); when false, uses autolinks (<>) when possible
  • rule ('*', '-', or '_', default: '*') — marker to use for thematic breaks
  • ruleRepetition (number, default: 3, min: 3) — number of markers to use for thematic breaks
  • ruleSpaces (boolean, default: false) — add spaces between markers in thematic breaks
  • setext (boolean, default: false) — use setext headings when possible; when true, uses setext headings (heading\n=======) for non-empty rank 1 or 2 headings
  • strong ('*' or '_', default: '*') — marker to use for strong
  • tightDefinitions (boolean, default: false) — join definitions without a blank line
  • unsafe (Array<Unsafe>, optional) — schemas that define when characters cannot occur; see mdast-util-to-markdown for more info


Markdown is serialized according to CommonMark but care is taken to format in a way that works with most markdown parsers. Other plugins can add support for syntax extensions.

Syntax tree

The syntax tree used in remark is mdast.


This package is fully typed with TypeScript. It exports the additional type Options.

It also registers Settings with unified. If you’re passing options with .data('settings', …), make sure to import this package somewhere in your types, as that registers the fields.

/// <reference types="remark-stringify" />

import {unified} from 'unified'

// @ts-expect-error: `thisDoesNotExist` is not a valid option.
unified().data('settings', {thisDoesNotExist: false})


Projects maintained by the unified collective are compatible with maintained versions of Node.js.

When we cut a new major release, we drop support for unmaintained versions of Node. This means we try to keep the current release line, remark-stringify@^11, compatible with Node.js 16.


Use of remark-stringify is safe.

Use of remark plugins can open you up to attacks. Carefully assess each plugin and the risks involved in using them.

For info on how to submit a report, see our security policy.


See in remarkjs/.github for ways to get started. See for ways to get help. Join us in Discussions to chat with the community and contributors.

This project has a code of conduct. By interacting with this repository, organization, or community you agree to abide by its terms.


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Boost Note

Markdown Space




MIT © Titus Wormer

npm i remark-stringify


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Titus Wormer
  • released 9/18/2023

