
redux action tools with full async support inspired by redux-action
redux action async promise flux fsa


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Light-weight action tools with async and optimistic update support.

This project is inspired by redux-actions and redux-promise-thunk



npm i redux-action-tools

Usage and APIs

createAction(actionName, payloadCreator [, metaCreator])

Same as createAction in redux-actions, we write our own for less dependency and fix some defects.

createAsyncAction(actionName, promiseCreator [, metaCreator])

This function is relly on redux-thunk.

The createAction returns an action creator for pain action object, While createAsyncAction will return an action creator for thunk.

promiseCreator(syncPayload, dispatch, getState)

This function should return a promise object.

The action creator returned by createAsyncAction receives one parameter -- the sync payload, we will dispatch a sync action same as createAction. And then, call the promiseCreator for the async behaviour, dispatch action for the result of it.

The dispatch and getState is the same as a normal thunk action, enables you to customize your async behaviour, even dispatch other actions.

Simple example below:

const asyncAction = createAsyncAction('ASYNC', function (syncPayload, dispatch, getState) {
  const user = getState().user;

  return asyncApi(syncPayload, user)
    .then((result) => {

      return result; // don't forget to return a result.

//In your component

class Foo extends Component {
  doAsync() {
    // You don't need dispatch here if you're using bindActionCreators

After you dispatch the async action, following flux standard action might been triggered:

type When payload meta.asyncPhase
${actionName} before promiseCreator been called sync payload 'START'
${actionName}_COMPLETED promise resolved value of promise 'COMPLETED'
${actionName}_FAILED promise rejected reason of promise 'FAILED'

Idea here is that we should use different type, rather than just meta, to identity different actions during an async process. This will be more clear and closer to what we do inElm

Optimistic update

Since the first action will be triggered before async behaviour, its easy to support optimistic update.

meta.asyncPhase and middleware

We use meta.asyncPhase to identity different phases. You can use it with middleware to handle features like global loading spinner or common error handler:

import _ from 'lodash'
import { ASYNC_PHASES } from 'redux-action-tools'

function loadingMiddleWare({dispatch}) {
  return next => action => {
    const asyncStep = _.get(action, 'meta.asyncStep');
    const omitLoading = _.get(action, 'meta.omitLoading');

    if (!asyncStep || omitLoading) return;

      type: asyncStep === ASYNC_PHASES.START ? 'ASYNC_STARTED' : 'ASYNC_ENDED',
      payload: {


And with metaCreator, you can change the meta object and skip the common process:

const requestWithoutLoadingSpinner = createAsyncAction(type, promiseCreator, (payload, defaultMeta) => {
  return { ...defaultMeta, omitLoading: true };


But, writing things like XXX_COMPLETED, XXX_FAILED is awful !!

And this is why we build the createReducer!

const handler = (state, action) => newState

const reducer = createReducer()
  .when([ACTION_FOO, ACTION_BAR], handlerForBothActions) // share handler for multi actions
  .when('BAZ', handler) // optimistic update here if you need
  .done(handler) // handle 'BAZ_COMPLETED'
  .failed(errorHandler) // handle 'BAZ_FAILED'
  .build(initValue); // Don't forget 'build()' !

const reducer = createReducer()
  .when(FOO)     // no optimistic update here, just declare the parent action for .done & .failed
  .done(handler) //

With createReducer, we can skip the switch-case statement which lots of people don't like it. And more important, we provide a common and semantic way to handle the async behaviour.

However, there are some limitations you should know when you use .done and .failed:

reducer = createReducer()
  .done(handler) // throw error here, cuz we don't know which action to handle

reducer = createReducer()
  .when([A, B])
  .done(handler) // throw error here, same reason since we don't know which one you mean
npm i redux-action-tools


  • ISC
  • Whatever
  • kpaxqin
  • released 4/1/2017

