
Use redis keyspace notifications to trigger timed events
redis event queue schedule


Use redis keyspace notifications to trigger timed events inspired by


  • Listen for expiring events by registering handlers to simple redis keys.
  • Multiple handlers can be set per key.
  • Events can be rescheduled or cancelled with automatic handler cleanup.
  • Can listen for patterns with one or many handlers using regular expressions.


  • Redis 2.8.0 or higher.
  • Enabling keyspace notification by either setting notify-keyspace-events Ex in redis configuration file.


$ npm install redis-scheduler



Create a new scheduler instance

var Scheduler = require('redis-scheduler');
var scheduler = new Scheduler({ host: 'localhost', port: 6379 });

#new Scheduler(options)

  • options - Can be object or null. If null defaults to host: 'localhost', port: 6579 and db: 0
    • host (string) - Redis connection host.
    • port (number) - Redis connection port.
    • db (number) - Redis zero-based numeric database index
    • path (string) - Redis pid file
    • password (string) - Redis password
    • redisOptions (object) - Redis options

Scheduling event

Add a timed event.

var expirationTime = 1000;

function eventTriggered(err, key) {
  console.log(key + ' triggered');

scheduler.schedule({ key: 'test-key', expire: expirationTime, handler: eventTriggered }, function (err) {
  // Schedule set

#schedule(options, cb)

  • options
    • key (string) - The key of event to store.
    • expire (date/number) - Date/number of milliseconds until expiration.
    • handler (function) - Function to call when scheduled time occurs.
  • cb - Function to call after schedule set.

Adding event handler

You can add multiple handlers per event.

scheduler.addHandler({ key: 'test-key', handler: function () {
  console.log('another event');

#addHandler(options, fn)

  • options
    • key (string) - The event key to add the handler for (can be simple string or regex string in case of patterns).
    • handler (function) - The extra handler to add when the event is triggered.
    • pattern (boolean) - Designates whether key is a regular expression.

###Rescheduling an Event###

Reschedules a scheduled event. Will take either a new date to trigger or explicit milliseconds.

scheduler.reschedule({ key: 'test-key', expire: 3000 }, function () {

#reschedule(options, cb)

  • options
    • key (string) - Event to reschedule.
    • expire (number) - Milliseconds/date to reset expiration to.
  • cb (function) - Function to call after rescheduling is complete.

###Cancel scheduled item###

Cancels a scheduled event and cleans up handlers

scheduler.cancel({ key: 'test-key' }, function () {


  • options
    • key (string) - Key to remove event for. If a regular expression will cancel all pattern matching handlers.

###A event pattern matching ###Close scheduler###

Disconnects and closes all connections to redis and cleans up all existing event handlers



Clone the repo and run from the project root:

$ npm install
$ npm test


$ cd examples/events
$ npm install
$ node simple.js
$ node multi-handlers.js
$ node loop.js
$ node reschedule.js


  • ISC
  • Whatever
  • Peter Henning
  • released 6/26/2014

