
recoil-sync stores for Next.js
react recoil recoil-sync next nextjs next.js


npm version

Recoil Sync stores for Next.js


The new router for the app/ directory introduced by Next.js 13 is not yet supported.



npm install recoil recoil-sync recoil-sync-next
# or
yarn add recoil recoil-sync recoil-sync-next
# or
pnpm add recoil recoil-sync recoil-sync-next

URL Persistence

This provides recoil-sync's URL Persistence functionality interfaced with next/router.


<RecoilURLSyncJSON> and <RecoilURLSyncTransit> always use shallow routing to update the browser URL. When the URL has changed, they cause re-rendering of themselves. Therefore, you should concider to use React.memo() for Page components that use URL synced atoms ( example ).


A version of <RecoilURLSyncJSON> that works with next/router to sync atoms with the browser URL using JSON encoding. This should be a child element of <RecoilRoot>.

function RecoilURLSyncJSONNext(props: {
  storeKey?: string | undefined
  location: LocationOption
  children: ReactNode
}): ReactNode


  • storeKey
  • location
    • Tis prop specifies what part of the URL to sync. See URL Location for more info.
  • children
    • React elements in your component tree.


import { RecoilURLSyncJSONNext } from 'recoil-sync-next'

function MyApp({ Component, pageProps }: AppProps) {
  return (
      <RecoilURLSyncJSONNext location={{ part: 'queryParams' }}>
        <Component {...pageProps} />


A version of <RecoilURLSyncTransit> that works with next/router to sync atoms with the browser URL using Transit encoding. This should be a child element of <RecoilRoot>.

function RecoilURLSyncTransitNext(props: {
  storeKey?: string | undefined
  location: LocationOption
  handlers?: ReadonlyArray<TransitHandler<any, any>>
  children: ReactNode
}): ReactNode


  • storeKey
  • location
    • Tis prop specifies what part of the URL to sync. See URL Location for more info.
  • handlers
    • The array of user defined custom encoder/decoder object. See Custom Classes for more info.
  • children
    • React elements in your component tree.


import { RecoilURLSyncTransitNext } from 'recoil-sync-next'

function MyApp({ Component, pageProps }: AppProps) {
  return (
      <RecoilURLSyncTransitNext location={{ part: 'queryParams' }}>
        <Component {...pageProps} />


A version of <RecoilURLSync> that works with next/router to sync atoms with the browser URL using your own serialize/deserialize algorithms. This should be a child element of <RecoilRoot>.

function RecoilURLSyncNext(props: {
  storeKey?: string | undefined
  location: LocationOption
  serialize: (data: unknown) => string
  deserialize: (str: string) => unknown
  children: ReactNode
}): ReactNode


  • storeKey
  • location
    • This prop specifies what part of the URL to sync. See URL Location for more info.
  • serialize
  • deserialize
  • children
    • React elements in your component tree.


import { RecoilURLSyncNext } from 'recoil-sync-next'
import qs from 'qs'

function MyApp({ Component, pageProps }: AppProps) {
  return (
        location={{ part: 'queryParams' }}
        <Component {...pageProps} />

Session Storage Persistence Synced with History

Provides persistence of atoms to session storage synced with the position of the history entry. It will save atoms to session storage when the history entry's position is moved. When the user moves backward/forward on history entries (i.e. 'popstate' event is fired), the atoms saved with that position is restored.


To sync atoms with the position of the history entry using JSON encoding. This should be a child element of <RecoilRoot>.

function RecoilHistorySyncJSONNext(props: {
  storeKey?: string | undefined
  children: ReactNode
}): ReactNode


  • storeKey
  • children
    • React elements in your component tree.


import { RecoilHistorySyncJSONNext } from 'recoil-sync-next'

function MyApp({ Component, pageProps }: AppProps) {
  return (
        <Component {...pageProps} />


To sync atoms with the position of the history entry using Transit encoding. This should be a child element of <RecoilRoot>.

function RecoilHistorySyncTransitNext(props: {
  storeKey?: string | undefined
  handlers?: ReadonlyArray<TransitHandler<any, any>>
  children: ReactNode
}): ReactNode


  • storeKey
  • handlers
    • The array of user defined custom encoder/decoder object. See Custom Classes for more info.
  • children
    • React elements in your component tree.


import { RecoilHistorySyncTransitNext } from 'recoil-sync-next'

function MyApp({ Component, pageProps }: AppProps) {
  return (
        <Component {...pageProps} />



atom, but initial value can be specified when using it.

Note: This is just a utility and does not depend on either Recoil Sync or Next.js.

function initializableAtom<T extends SerializableParam>(options: {
  key: string
    | ReadonlyArray<AtomEffect<T>>
    | ((param: P) => ReadonlyArray<AtomEffect<T>>)
  dangerouslyAllowMutability?: boolean
}): (initialValue: T) => RecoilState<T>

Type Parameters

  • T
    • The type of the atom value. It must be compared using value-equality and must be serializable.


See atom for more info.


A function which takes its initialValue.


import { initializableAtom } from 'recoil-sync-next'

const countState = initializableAtom<number>({
  key: 'count',

const MyComponent: React.FC = () => {
  const [count, setCount] = useRecoilState(countState(100)) // count is initialized to 100


atomFamily, but initial value can be specified individually when using it.

Note: This is just a utility and does not depend on either Recoil Sync or Next.js.

function initializableAtomFamily<
  T extends SerializableParam,
  P extends SerializableParam
>(options: {
  key: string
    | ReadonlyArray<AtomEffect<T>>
    | ((param: P) => ReadonlyArray<AtomEffect<T>>)
  dangerouslyAllowMutability?: boolean
}): (parameter: P, initialValue: T) => RecoilState<T>

Type Parameters

  • T
    • The type of the atom value. It must be compared using value-equality and must be serializable.
  • P
    • The type of the paramter that map to each atom. It must be compared using value-equality and must be serializable.


See atomFamily for more info.


A function which takes parameter that map to an atom, and its initialValue.


import { initializableAtomFamily } from 'recoil-sync-next'

const countState = initializableAtomFamily<number, string>({
  key: 'count',

const MyComponent: React.FC = () => {
  const [count1, setCount1] = useRecoilState(countState('foo', 0))   // count1 is initialized to 0
  const [count2, setCount2] = useRecoilState(countState('bar', 100)) // count2 is initialized to 100


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Unknown
  • released 8/5/2022

