
Create a readline interface with default settings to use in prompts.
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Create a readline interface with default settings to use in prompts.


Install with npm:

$ npm install --save readline-ui


var UI = require('readline-ui');
var ui = new UI();



The following example shows how to create a basic input prompt. This example is a greatly simplified version of prompt-base.

(This code is also in example.js if you want to run it yourself.)

var cyan = require('ansi-cyan');
var UI = require('readline-ui');
var ui = new UI();

// first, we need to render the "question" 
// to display in the terminal
var prompt = '? foo ';

// on keypress events, re-render the prompt 
// along with user input
ui.on('keypress', function() {
  ui.render(prompt + ui.rl.line);

// when the "line" event is emitted (from the "enter" keypress)
// we `.end()` to unmute the output stream then pause the readline. 
ui.on('line', function(answer) {
  ui.render(prompt + cyan(answer));
  console.log({color: answer});



Handle keypress events.


  • str {String}
  • key {Object}
  • returns {undefined}


Render the prompt with the given input and optional footer.


  • input {String}
  • footer {String}: (optional)
  • returns {undefined}


Remove n lines from the bottom of the terminal


  • lines {Number}: Number of lines to remove


Cache the current cursor's column and line position.

  • returns {Object}: UI instance.


Restore the cursor position to the cached column and line.

  • returns {Object}: UI instance.


Resume the input stream.


Pause the input stream, allowing it to be resumed later if necessary.


Close the readline.Interface instance and relinquish control over the input and output streams. Also removes event listeners, and restores/unmutes prompt functionality.


Close the interface when the keypress is ^C


Returns an "indentity" function that calls .close(), which can be used as the final .then() function with promises.


Default method for writing a prompt to the terminal. This can be overridden.


Mutes the output stream that was used to create the readline interface, and returns a function for unmuting the stream. This is useful in unit tests.

  • returns {Function}


// mute the stream
var unmute = ui.mute();

// unmute the stream


Unmute then write to the output stream that was used to create the readline interface, then re-mute the stream. Useful for debugging prompts.


Inspired by the "screen manager" code in Inquirer.


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$ npm install -g verbose/verb#dev verb-generate-readme && verb

Running tests

Running and reviewing unit tests is a great way to get familiarized with a library and its API. You can install dependencies and run tests with the following command:

$ npm install && npm test


Jon Schlinkert


Copyright © 2017, Jon Schlinkert. Released under the MIT License.

This file was generated by verb-generate-readme, v0.6.0, on June 04, 2017.

npm i readline-ui


  • MIT
  • >=4.0
  • Jon Schlinkert
  • released 6/5/2017

