
process a vinyl file stream with minimal code
vinyl stream gulp plugin

read vinyl file stream

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Turns out that reading all the files in a vinyl stream is cumbersome, and supporting all of the options is a little bit annoying. I decided that I don't want to write that code more than once. So here is a library that does that. This is most useful for gulp plugins that need to transform all the files in a stream, though I am sure you can figure out other ways to use it too.


npm install read-vinyl-file-stream


read-vinyl-file-stream(iterator {Function} [, flush {Function}] [, encoding {String}])

The module is a function that creates a transform stream. It will read the vinyl file, whether it is a buffer or a stream internally. It takes the following parameters, in order:

  • iterator {Function} Required - the method that will process the files.
  • flush {Function} Optional - the method to call before the stream ends.
  • encoding {String} Optional - the encoding to use for the content provided to the iterator function. By default, this is a UTF-8 string. The following options are supported:
    • 'utf8' - provide the content in a UTF-8 string.
    • 'buffer' - provide the content in a raw buffer. This is useful if you are processing binary files, for example.

iterator(content, file, stream, cb)

The function that you provide to it has the following parameters, in order:

  • content - the content of the file.
  • file - the vinyl file itself.
  • stream - the transform stream that is being iterated.
  • cb - a callback to call once you are done processing the file. You must call this in order for the stream to continue.

flush(stream, cb)

This is a function that will allow you to execute some code after all the files have been read but before the stream ends. It has the following parameters, in order:

  • stream - the transform stream that is being iterated.
  • cb - a callback to call once you are done with the flush actions. You must call this in order for the stream to end.


Observe all of the files:

var readFiles = require('read-vinyl-file-stream');

var input = getVinylStream();

var hashOfFiles = {};

input.pipe(readFiles(function (content, file, stream, cb) {
    hashOfFiles[file.path] = content;


Transform the content of the file and output it back to the stream:

var readFiles = require('read-vinyl-file-stream');

var input = getVinylStream();

input.pipe(readFiles(function (content, file, stream, cb) {
    var newContent = doWorkToTheContent(content);

    cb(null, newContent);

Split the file into multiple files and output all of them to the stream:

var readFiles = require('read-vinyl-file-stream');
var File = require('vinyl');

var input = getVinylStream();

input.pipe(readFiles(function (content, file, stream, cb) {
    var lines = content.split('\n');

    lines.forEach(function (line, idx) {
        stream.push(new File({
            contents: new Buffer(line),
            path: file.path + 'line' + idx


Use inside gulp (to create a filter):

var gulp = require('gulp');
var readFiles = require('read-vinyl-file-stream');

gulp.task('mytask', function() {
    return gulp.src('*.ext')
        .pipe(readFiles(function (content, file, stream, cb) {
            if (/^n/.test(content)) {
                return cb(null, content);

npm i read-vinyl-file-stream


  • ISC
  • Whatever
  • Kiril Vatev
  • released 3/5/2017

