
A console-based remote control for React Native.


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Control, monitor, and instrument your React DOM and React Native apps. From the comfort of your TTY.

What's New

Demo Version 0.6.0

Platforms Supported

Great For

  • sending logging commands as text or objects
  • relaying all redbox errors and yellowbox warnings
  • watching the flow of actions as they get dispatched
  • tracking performance of each action watching for hotspots
  • querying your global state like a database
  • subscribing to values in your state and be notified when they change
  • dispatching your custom actions
  • watching your HTTP calls to servers and track timing


  • Node 4.x+
  • Abnormal love for all things console


npm install reactotron --save-dev

Running The Server


Might be worth creating an alias or adding it to your script section of your package.json.

How To Use

To use this, you need to add a few lines of code to your app.

Depending on how much support you'd like, there's a few different places you'll want to hook in.

Entry Point (required)

  • sending logging commands as text or objects
  • relaying all redbox errors and yellowbox warnings
How To Hook

If you have index.ios.js or, you can place this code somewhere near the top:

import Reactotron from 'reactotron'

// connect with defaults

// Connect with options

const options = {
  name: 'React Web', // Display name of the client
  server: 'localhost', // IP of the server to connect to
  port: 3334, // Port of the server to connect to (default: 3334)
  enabled: true, // Whether or not Reactotron should be enabled.
  secure: false, // Are you piggybacking on HTTP or HTTPS (default: false)


I'd recommend using the following for connect in React Native so that release builds will disable reactotron.

Reactotron.connect({enabled: __DEV__})
Ensure connect() Happens First

It is important that your Reactotron.connect() happens before your redux store gets created. Especially if you're using the {enabled: false} option.

To make this happen, you can create a ReactotronConfig.js file and import that as your first import in the entry point of your application. Check out the 3 projects under examples to see that in action.

Redux Middleware (optional)

  • watching the flow of actions as they get dispatched
  • tracking performance of each action watching for hotspots
Hook To Hook
// wherever you create your Redux store, add the Reactotron middleware:

import Reactotron from 'reactotron'

const store = createStore(
    Reactotron.reduxMiddleware // <--- here i am!

// Or you can use the Reactotron storeEnhancer!

const enhancer = compose(
  // If you have other enhancers..

const store = createStore(

Redux Store (optional)

  • querying your global state like a database
  • subscribing to values in your state and be notified when they change
  • dispatching your custom actions
How To Hook
// wherever you create your Redux store
import Reactotron from 'reactotron'

const store = createStore(...)  // however you create your store
Reactotron.addReduxStore(store) // <--- here i am!

// If you're using the Reactotron.storeEnhance(), it's already
// setup for you!

API Tracking (optional)

  • watching your HTTP calls to servers and track timing
  • currently supports apisauce
How To Hook
// wherever you create your API
import Reactotron from 'reactotron'

// with your existing api object, add a monitor

Other Features


Call Reactotron.log() and pass a string or object to have it log. Emojis are supported.


You can use Reactotron for unscientific benchmarks.

  const bench = Reactotron.bench('Here I Go')

You can also register steps if you're timing a sequence.

  const bench = Reactotron.bench('Lets Go')
  bench.step('After long operation')
  bench.step('After one more thing')


Using On A Device

When you initialize the reactotron you can tell it the server location when you connect:

Reactotron.connect({server: ''})

Useful shortcuts

You can clear your reactotron by hitting backspace/delete OR you can insert a separator by pressing the "-" key.

For some commands, like dispatching an action, you can repeat previous by pressing the "." key.

Getting Involved

PRs and bug reports are welcome!

You want to start extending this?

Run the console program

cd src
npm install
npm start

Pick an example app and run it

cd examples/ReactNativeExample
npm install
cp ../../src/client/client.js .
react-native run-ios

Then hack around. Hack around. Hack up hack up and hack down.

Be sure to read the silly examples/ file for more details.


  • Get the vocab right (current everything is a "command")
  • Refactor clients to organize commands
  • Allow commands to be extended on client & server
  • Allow a .reactotron sub-folder for project-specific things
  • Does router need to exist anymore?
  • Api size metrics
  • Pages for logging
  • Show what the profile shows
  • Track saga effect chains
  • Provide a way to drive the navigator
  • Allow simple scripts to be written that send commands
  • Strategy for dealing with multiple apps connecting

Random Pics

Hello! Hello! Hello!

Special Thanks

A shout out to my teammates at Infinite Red who encourage this type of open-source hacking & sharing.

Also, to Kevin VanGelder, who spawned the idea for this library by saying, "Hey, you know what would be cool? A REPL. We should do that."

Change Log

See the full file.


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Steve Kellock
  • released 4/24/2016

