
React Wizard / Step component
react-component react wizard step


Wizard is a typical wizard element for installs, mulitpart forms, etc. It takes a steps prop with an array of Step objects, start prop with optional integer to skip into the step array, and any othr props you will need later on in Step methods as a data prop.


npm install react-wizard


Steps consist of:

  • name - name of step shown to user as list element
  • component - react CreatClass function of your content.
  • onSubmit - your 'validate' function. If it returns an error the step is not advanced and that error will be shown to user. Successful callback advances to next step.
  • onBack - a function to called before leaving step. Used to cleanup.



There are pure js examples in the examples directory and node-http-server is a dev dependency

npm i && gulp examples

Then pick an example directory and port

node node_modules/node-http-server/server/http.js root=examples/data/ port=9999 launch=now

Then load your browser up at http://localhost:9999 in this case


Back button is automatically disabled on first step. The built in buttons are removed from the last step so remember to provide buttons/links on your last step for your user to escape.

Big thanks to @brianshaler for the code review that turned into an entire rewrite

npm i react-wizard


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Jacob Rosenthal
  • released 1/30/2015

