
A react component to perform if/else logic
react if component


In react all logic such as if, else and for should be written in JavaScript, however it is really ugly to embed many code blocks in JSX trees.

react-whether provides a simple declarative way to perform if and else logic.


npm install --save react-whether


react-whether exports 3 components:

  • Whether: The root of a logic block.
  • Match: To match a condition as a child of Whether.
  • Else: To match anything else, must be the last child of Whether.

Single if block

The most simple and straitforward representation of a single if branch is to use Whether and matches prop:

<Whether matches={userLoggedIn}>
    <App />

One thing to notice is that if expression does a implicit boolean conversion on its input, however Whether does not, so you could write if (someObject) but only <Whether matches={!!someObject}> is valid for its propTypes.

Simple if and else

We can add an Else component as the last child of Whether to get 2 branches.

<Whether matches={userLoggedIn}>
    <App />
        <LoginForm />

More branches

For more complex condition branches, context prop allows Whether to manage a condition context and perform more branches, you can use Match and its selector prop to create a branch.

const isVisitor = user => !user;
const isAdmin = user => user.role === 'admin';

<Whether context={currentUser}>
    <Match selector={isVisitor}>
        <LoginForm />
    <Match selector={isAdmin}>
        <AdminConsole />
        <App />

A selector prop must be a function which receives the context prop of Whether as the only argument and returnes a boolean value, the first Match component which returns true will be rendered.

Lazy render

Function can be passed as child of Whether, Match and Else to enable lazy render, this could be helpful if creating react element of a non-matched condition will cause violation of propTypes validation.

const isVisitor = user => !user;
const isAdmin = user => user.role === 'admin';

<Whether context={currentUser}>
    <Match selector={isVisitor}>
        {() => <LoginForm />}
    <Match selector={isAdmin}>
        {() => <AdminConsole />}
        {() => <App />}
npm i react-whether


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • otakustay
  • released 6/1/2018

