
Utility for making React components easily themeable

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Utility for making React components easily themeable.

This project is still experimental, so feedback from component authors would be greatly appreciated!


The React community is highly fragmented when it comes to styling. How do we write components that can happily co-exist with all of these competing approaches?

With react-themeable, you can support custom themes provided by CSS Modules, Radium, Aphrodite, React Style, JSS, global CSS or inline styles as easily as this:

<MyComponent theme={theme} />


npm install --save react-themeable


react-themeable exposes just a single function.

This function is designed to accept a theme prop inside of your render method. This then returns a small helper function that accepts a key and a series of style names.

const theme = themeable(this.props.theme);
<div {...theme(key, ...styleNames)} />

Note: A unique key for each themed element is required for Radium to work correctly.

This helper function detects whether a theme is class or style based, and creates the appropriate attributes for you.

For example:

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import themeable from 'react-themeable';

class MyComponent extends Component {
  render() {
    const theme = themeable(this.props.theme);

    return (
      <div {...theme(1, 'root')}>
        <div {...theme(2, 'foo', 'bar')}>Foo Bar</div>
        <div {...theme(3, 'baz')}>Baz</div>

A theme can now be passed to your component like so:

CSS Modules

.foo { color: red; }
.foo:hover { color: green; }
.bar { color: blue; }
import theme from './MyComponentTheme.css';
<MyComponent theme={theme} />


import Radium from 'radium';

const theme = {
  foo: {
    color: 'red',
    ':hover': {
      color: 'green'
  bar: {
    color: 'blue'

const ThemedMyComponent = Radium(MyComponent);
<ThemedMyComponent theme={theme} />


import { StyleSheet, css } from 'aphrodite';

const theme = StyleSheet.create({
  foo: {
    color: 'red',
    ':hover': {
      color: 'green'
  bar: {
    color: 'blue'
<MyComponent theme={[ theme, css ]} />

React Style

import StyleSheet from 'react-style';

const theme = StyleSheet.create({
  foo: {
    color: 'red'
  bar: {
    color: 'blue'
<MyComponent theme={theme} />


import jss from 'jss';

const sheet = jss.createStyleSheet({
  foo: {
    color: 'red'
  bar: {
    color: 'blue'
<MyComponent theme={sheet.classes} />

Global CSS

.MyComponent__foo { color: red; }
.MyComponent__foo:hover { color: green; }
.MyComponent__bar { color: blue; }
const theme = {
  foo: 'MyComponent__foo',
  bar: 'MyComponent__bar'
<MyComponent theme={theme} />

Inline styles

const theme = {
  foo: {
    color: 'red'
  bar: {
    color: 'blue'
<MyComponent theme={theme} />



npm i react-themeable


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Mark Dalgleish
  • released 5/20/2016

