
Style React component
react stylesheet dom

React Stylesheet

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Component based styling approach for React applications.

Table of Contents


This library implements a components-based approach for styling React applications. Stying with components means styling with JS code.

To re-iterate on CSS-in-JS advantages:

  • Single language to define UI and to style it—JavaScript.

  • Existing tooling for JavaScript can be reused for stylesheets: linters, type checkers, formatters, ...

  • A lot of features CSS is missing are present in JavaScript: modules, functions, variables, ...

For more info on CSS-in-JS and its advantages see the excellent talk by Vjeux.

What makes React Stylesheet special:

  • React centric approach: there's no separate abstractions for styles, React Stylesheet produces React components directly. You don't need to pass className or style props around. The units of reusability are React components.

  • Type safety: React Stylesheet is fully typesafe. That can help you catch typos and invalid style values.

  • React Stylesheet compiles to CSS classes under the hood: that means hover, focus states are supported.


% npm install react-stylesheet


<Element />

<Element /> component is a basic building block for styling:

import {Element} from 'react-stylesheet'

  I'm styled!

Styling based on state (hover, focus, ...)

For each prop like color, background, ... there are versions with suffixes *OnHover, *onActive, *onActive, and *onDisabled which activate its style values when the corresponding state is being active.

For example there's an <Element /> which changes its background and text color on hover:

import {Element} from 'react-stylesheet'

  I'm styled!

Overriding component

By default <Element /> renders into <div /> DOM component but you can override this with Component prop:

  click me!

It can be a composite component but the requirement is that it takes style and className props.

<VBox /> and <HBox />

<VBox /> and <HBox /> are thin wrappers on top of <Element /> which implement flexbox layout mechanism.

<VBox /> corresponds to a flex container with flex-direction: column and <HBox /> — flex-direction: row.

All properties which are supported by <Element /> are also supported by <VBox /> and <HBox />.

import {VBox, HBox} from 'react-stylesheet'

<VBox justifyContent="space-around">
  <HBox flexGrow={1}>Block 1</HBox>
  <HBox>Block 2</HBox>

Note that the following defaults are applied:

HBox, VBox {
  position: relative;

  overflow: hidden;

  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;

  display: flex;
  align-items: stretch;
  flex-basis: auto;
  flex-shrink: 0;

  min-height: 0;
  min-width: 0;

Styled component factories

There's a way to produce styled components out of common components using style(Component, stylesheet) function:

import {style} from 'react-stylesheet'

let Label = style('span', {
  base: {
    fontWeight: 'bold',
    fontSize: '12pt',

Now Label is a regular React component styled with fontWeight and fontSize. You can render into DOM and use as a part of React element tree:

<Label />

Styling based on state (hover, focus, ...)

You can specify styling for states (hover, focus, ...):

let Label = style('span', {
  base: {
    fontWeight: 'bold',
    fontSize: '12pt',
    hover: {
      textDecoration: 'underline'

Now on hover you can see the underline appears.


Sometimes you want a set of style variants and toggle them via JS:

let Label = style('span', {
  base: {
    fontWeight: 'bold',
    fontSize: '12pt',
  emphasis: {
    textDecoration: 'underline'

Now to toggle any particular variant you need to pass a component a specially constructed variant prop:

<Label variant={{emphasis: true}} />

Type safety

React DOM Stylesheet comes with Flow typings which precisely describe available API.

Some examples of the type errors you can get:

style('span', {
  display: 'oops' // display can only be "none" | "block" | ...

style('span', {
  isplay: 'block' // unknown property "isplay"

CSS helpers

There's helpers for producing CSS values:

import {css} from 'react-stylesheet'

let Label = style('span', {
  base: {
    border: css.border(1, css.rgb(167)),

Test utilities

React Stylesheet comes with snapshot serializers for Jest test framework.

The example test setup looks like this:

import React from 'react';
import renderer from 'react-test-renderer';

import {Element} from 'react-stylesheet';
import * as TestUtils from 'react-stylesheet/testutils';


function Hello() {
  return <Element color="red" colorOnHover="black">HEllo!</Element>

test('rendering <Hello />', function() {
  const tree = renderer.create(<Hello />).toJSON();

Which produces the following snapshot:

    StyleJoin [
      PrecompiledCSS {
        "boxSizing": "border-box",
      DynamicallyGeneratedCSS {
        "hover": Object {
          "color": "black",
  style={Object {
    "hover": "red",

Alternatively if you don't want to call expect.addSnapshotSerializer(..) line in each of your test files you can the following config to your package.json:

"jest": {
  "snapshotSerializers": ["react-stylesheet/testutils-snapshot-serializer"]

This will enable snapshot serializers for each of your test files.

npm i react-stylesheet


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Prometheus Research, LLC
  • released 2/27/2018

