
A Simple Pull To Refresh Component for React Application
react pull to refresh js mobile


npm version license

A Simple Pull-To-Refresh Component for React Application with 0 dependency. Works for Mobile and Desktop.


⚠️ I don't have much time to take care of the issues at the moment.

🙏 Any help and contribution is greatly appreciated.


Click here 👍


npm i react-simple-pull-to-refresh


import PullToRefresh from 'react-simple-pull-to-refresh';

Pull To Refresh only

// ...

return (
  <PullToRefresh onRefresh={handleRefresh}>
      {, index) => (
        <li key={index}>{item}</li>

// ...

Pull To Refresh and Fetch More enabled

// ...

return (
  <PullToRefresh onRefresh={handleRefresh} canFetchMore={true} onFetchMore={handleFetchMore}>
      {, index) => (
        <li key={index}>{item}</li>

// ...

Props Matrix

Name Type Required Default Description
isPullable boolean false true Enable or disable pulling feature
onRefresh () => Promise true Function called when Refresh Event has been trigerred
pullDownThreshold number false 67 Distance in pixel to pull to trigger a Refresh Event
maxPullDownDistance number false 95 Maximum transitionY applied to Children when dragging
resistance number false 1 Scale of difficulty to pull down
refreshingContent JSX.Element or string false Content displayed when Pulling or Fetch more has been trigerred
pullingContent JSX.Element or string false Content displayed when Pulling
canFetchMore boolean false false Enable or disable fetching more feature
onFetchMore () => Promise false Function called when Fetch more Event has been trigerred
fetchMoreThreshold number false 100 Distance in pixel from bottom of the container to trigger a Fetch more Event
backgroundColor string false Apply a backgroundColor
className string false


1.3.3: Update package.json peerDependencies to support react 18 - (From: @mjauernig)

1.3.2: Fix build issue encountered with 1.3.1

1.3.1: Fix issue preventing fixed elements to work properly - (From: @ManuDoni)

1.3.0: Add a resistance prop, that allows to adjust the pull down difficulty - (From: @joshuahiggins)

1.2.5: Fix event listenter leaks - (From: @d-s-x)

1.2.4: Fix overscroll on iOS Safari - (From: @d-s-x)

1.2.3: Add React 17+ as valid peer dependencies - (From: @Felixmosh)

1.2.2: Remove non-null assertion operators from ref.current + TouchEvent check for Mozilla - (From: @HamAndRock)

1.2.1: Remove unnecessary z-index

1.2.0: onRefresh and onFetchMore now require to be of type () => Promise

1.1.2: Bind Scroll event to Window

1.1.0: Check for "canFetchMore" value for each scroll events.

1.1.0: Add a Fetch More feature

npm i react-simple-pull-to-refresh


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Guibert Thomas
  • released 8/7/2022

