
A React utility that makes querying a shallow rendered component easier.
react shallow-render query testing

React Shallow Query

A small utility for React that helps make testing shallow rendered components less of a chore, removing repetitive x.props.children code. Automated test specs are greatly improved as structural changes to components won't have as much of an impact. Furthermore, they won't require a number of variables just to store references to each child element (an example of this can be found below).


$ npm install react-shallow-query


My idea to create this module sprung from an article on React Kung Fu. One of the topics it talked about was the newly implemented shallow rendering functionality, introduced in React v0.13. Unfortunately, accessing nested components requires a series of x.props.children calls in order to locate them. This felt awkward. Instead, I wanted to query the object returned from getRenderOutput in a syntax I was familiar with. My solution was to mimic CSS-like selectors similar to jQuery. This helped to reduce the pain I had in examples such as the one below:

import React from "react";
import TestUtils from "react-addons-test-utils";

function Comments() {
    return (
        <div className="comments">
            <div className="comment">
                <span className="author">
                    Lewis Barnes
                <span className="message">
                    Hello world!
            <div className="comment">
                <span className="author">
                    John Smith
                <span className="message">
                    Hi there!

const renderer = TestUtils.createRenderer();

renderer.render(<Comments />);

const comments = renderer.getRenderOutput();
const [firstComment] = comments.props.children;
const [author] = firstComment.props.children;

console.log(author.props.children === "Lewis Barnes") // true

Basic Example

Using the same component from above, lets see what it looks like using react-shallow-query:

import React from "react";
import TestUtils from "react-addons-test-utils";
import $ from "react-shallow-query";

function Comments() {
    return (
        <div className="comments">
            <div id="comment-1" className="comment">
                <span className="author">
                    Lewis Barnes
                <span className="message">
                    Hello world!
            <div id="comment-2" className="comment">
                <span className="author">
                    John Smith
                <span className="message">
                    Hi there!

const renderer = TestUtils.createRenderer();

renderer.render(<Comments />);

const comments = renderer.getRenderOutput();
const [author] = $(comments, ".author");

console.log(author.props.children === "Lewis Barnes") // true

Query String

There are three different matchers supported by react-shallow-query:

Class Name

You can query a component by class name. This is similar to jQuery, only it looks within the value of props.className for each component.

// Note: We are using the Comments component defined above for this example.
// This will return an array of shallow rendered React components containing the class name of 'author'.
const authors = $(comments, ".author");


Just like you can in jQuery, you can also select elements by their id using the hash symbol. In React this the value assigned to

// Note: We are using the Comments component defined above for this example.
// This will return an array of shallow rendered React components with an id of 'comment-2'.
const [secondComment] = $(comments, "#comment-2");

Component Name

It's also possible to query for components by their tag name. For custom components, this is either the displayName or the function name given on declaration.

function Comment({messsage}) {
    return (
        <li className="comment">{message}</li>

function Comments() {
    return (
        <ul className="comments">
            <Comment message="Hello World!" />
            <Comment message="Hi there!" />

const renderer = TestUtils.createRenderer();

renderer.render(<Comments />);

const comments = renderer.getRenderOutput();
// This will return an array of shallow rendered React components with the name "Comment".
const [firstComment] = $(comments, "Comment");

Future Improvements

  • Provide syntax that allows more specificity. For example "span.message".
npm i react-shallow-query


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Lewis Barnes
  • released 12/6/2015

