
Resizable split pane layouts for React applications
react split pane panels resize resizable grid


Resizable split pane layouts for React applications 🖖

  • Compound component API that works with any styling method
  • Built with modern CSS, a grid-based layout and custom properties
  • Works with any amount of panes in a vertical or horizontal layout
  • Built following the Window Splitter pattern for accessibility and keyboard controls

Example of a code editor built with react-resplit


Run the development server:

yarn dev

The files for the development app can be found in src, and the library files in lib.


Install the package using your package manager of choice.

npm install react-resplit

Import Resplit from react-resplit and render the Root, Pane(s) and Splitter(s).

import { Resplit } from 'react-resplit';

function App() {
  return (
    <Resplit.Root direction="horizontal">
      <Resplit.Pane order={0} initialSize="0.5fr">
        Pane 1
      <Resplit.Splitter order={1} size="10px" />
      <Resplit.Pane order={2} initialSize="0.5fr">
        Pane 2


The Root, Splitter and Pane elements are all unstyled by default apart from a few styles that are necessary for the layout - this is intentional so that the library remains flexible.

Resplit will apply the correct cursor based on the direction provided to the hook.

As a basic example, you could provide a className prop to the Splitter elements and style them as a solid 10px divider.

<Resplit.Splitter className="splitter" order={0} size="10px" />
.splitter {
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;
  background: #ccc;


Resplit has been implemented using guidence from the Window Splitter pattern.

In addition to built-in accessibility considerations, you should also ensure that splitters are correctly labelled.

If the primary pane has a visible label, the aria-labelledby attribute can be used.

<Resplit.Pane order={0}>
  <h2 id="pane-1-label">Pane 1</h2>
<Resplit.Splitter order={1} aria-labelledby="pane-1-label" />

Alternatively, if the pane does not have a visible label, the aria-label attribute can be used on the Splitter instead.

<Resplit.Splitter order={1} aria-label="Pane 1" />


All of the resplit components extend the React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement> interface, so you can pass any valid HTML attribute to them.

Root (ResplitRootProps)

The root component of a resplit layout. Provides context to all child components.

Prop Type Default Description
direction "horizontal" | "vertical" "horizontal" Direction of the panes
asChild boolean false Merges props onto the immediate child
children ReactNode Child elements
className string Class name
style CSSProperties Style object

Pane (ResplitPaneProps)

A pane is a container that can be resized.

Prop Type Default Description
order number Specifies the order of the resplit child (pane or splitter) in the DOM
initialSize ${number}fr [available space]/[number of panes] Set the initial size of the pane as a fractional unit (fr)
minSize ${number}fr | ${number}px "0fr" Set the minimum size of the pane as a fractional (fr) or pixel (px) unit
collapsible boolean false Whether the pane can be collapsed below its minimum size
collapsedSize ${number}fr | ${number}px "0fr" Set the collapsed size of the pane as a fractional (fr) or pixel (px) unit
onResizeStart () => void Callback function that is called when the pane starts being resized.
onResize (size: FrValue) => void Callback function that is called when the pane is actively being resized.
onResizeEnd (size: FrValue) => void Callback function that is called when the pane is actively being resized.
asChild boolean false Merges props onto the immediate child
children ReactNode Child elements
className string Class name
style CSSProperties Style object

Splitter (ResplitSplitterProps)

A splitter is a draggable element that can be used to resize panes.

Name Type Default Description
order number Specifies the order of the resplit child (pane or splitter) in the DOM
size ${number}px "10px" Set the size of the splitter as a pixel unit
asChild boolean false Merges props onto the immediate child
children ReactNode Child elements
className string Class name
style CSSProperties Style object

useResplitContext () => ResplitContextValue

The useResplitContext hook provides access to the context of the nearest Resplit.Root component.

See the methods below for more information on what is available.

setPaneSizes (paneSizes: FrValue[]) => void

Get the collapsed state of a pane.

Specify the size of each pane as a fractional unit (fr). The number of values should match the number of panes.

setPaneSizes(['0.6fr', '0.4fr']);

If your pane has an onResize callback, it will be called with the new size.

isPaneCollapsed (order: number) => boolean

Get the collapsed state of a pane.

Note: The returned value will not update on every render and should be used in a callback e.g. used in combination with a pane's onResize callback.

import { Resplit, useResplitContext, ResplitPaneProps, FrValue } from 'react-resplit';

function CustomPane(props: ResplitPaneProps) {
  const { isPaneCollapsed } = useResplitContext();

  const handleResize = (size: FrValue) => {
    if (isPaneCollapsed(props.order)) {
      // Do something

  return (

function App() {
  return (
      <CustomPane order={0} />
      <Resplit.Splitter order={1} />
      <CustomPane order={2} />

isPaneMinSize (order: number) => boolean

Get the min size state of a pane.

Note: The returned value will not update on every render and should be used in a callback e.g. used in combination with a pane's onResize callback.

import { Resplit, useResplitContext, ResplitPaneProps, FrValue } from 'react-resplit';

function CustomPane(props: ResplitPaneProps) {
  const { isPaneMinSize } = useResplitContext();

  const handleResize = (size: FrValue) => {
    if (isPaneMinSize(props.order)) {
      // Do something

  return <Resplit.Pane {...props} initialSize="0.5fr" minSize="0.2fr" onResize={handleResize} />;

function App() {
  return (
      <CustomPane order={0} />
      <Resplit.Splitter order={1} />
      <CustomPane order={2} />


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Kenan Yusuf
  • released 11/19/2023

