
Native Bindings for the Localytics Library
react-native react react-component localytics analytics ios


npm version

Native Bindings for the Localytics Library. Only available on iOS right now.


  1. npm install --save react-native-localytics
  2. react-native link react-native-localytics
  3. Add Localytics to your ios/podfile file pod 'Localytics', '~> 4.0'
  4. cd ios && pod install
  5. Follow the steps on the Localytics SDK to complete installation. Basically:
    1. Add the Localytics schemes (optional)
    2. Add ATS Exception
    3. Initialize the SDK in your AppDelegate.m (this is the most important step). This is where you will be setuping which app key to use.

Note: CocoaPods installation is also available see at the end.


The method names are named the same as in the iOS SDK. Only a few methods are implemented now, but more to come! If you need somehting particular, just open an issue!

import * as Localytics from 'react-native-localytics';
Localytics.tagEvent('eventName', { more: 'attributes' });

Tagging events:

  • tagPurchased({ params?: ItemParams })
  • tagAddedToCart({ params?: ItemParams})
  • tagStartedCheckout({ params?: CheckoutParams })
  • tagCompletedCheckout({ params?: CheckoutParams })
  • tagContentViewed({ params: ContentParams })
  • tagSearched({ params: SearchParams })
  • tagShared({ params: ShareParams })
  • tagContentRated({ params: RatingParams })
  • tagCustomerRegistered({ customer?: Customer, methodName?: string, attributes?: Object })
  • tagCustomerLoggedIn({ customer?: Customer, methodName?: string, attributes: Object })
  • tagCustomerLoggedOut({ attributes?: Object })
  • tagInvited(method: string, attributes?: Object)
  • tagEvent(eventName: string, attributes?: Object)

Identifying users:

  • setCustomerId(id: string)
  • setCustomerFirstName(name: string)
  • setCustomerLastName(name: string)
  • setCustomerFullName(name: string)
  • setCustomerEmail(email: string)
  • setLocation({ lng: number, lat: number })

User profiles:

  • setValue
    • Numeric value
    • Numeric values in a set
    • Date value
    • Dave values in a set
    • String value
    • String value in a set
  • deleteProfileAttribute
  • addValues
    • Adding a numeric values to a set
    • Adding a date values to a set
    • Adding a string values to a set
  • removeValues
    • Removing numeric values from a set
    • Removing date values from a set
    • Removing string values from a set
  • incrementValueBy
  • decrementValueBy

Customer Object

  customerId?: string,
  firstName?: string,
  lastName?: string,
  fullName?: string,
  emailAddress?: string,

ItemParams Object

  itemName?: string,
  itemId?: string,
  itemType?: string,
  itemPrice?: number,
  attributes?: Object,

CheckoutParams Object

  totalPrice?: number,
  itemCount?: number,
  attributes?: Object,

ContentParams Object

  contentName?: string,
  contentId?: string,
  contentType?: string,
  attributes?: Object,

SearchParams Object

  searchText?: string,
  contentType?: string,
  resultCount?: number,
  attributes?: Object,

ShareParams Object

  shareName?: string,
  contentId?: string,
  contentType?: string,
  methodName?: string,
  attributes?: Object,

RatingParams Object

  contentName?: string,
  contentId?: string,
  contentType?: string,
  rating?: number,
  attributes?: Object,


First install the package with npm npm install react-native-localytics. Then add the following line in your Podfile

pod 'react-native-localytics', :path => '../node_modules/react-native-localytics'

If you need the static build instead of dynamic, use:

  pod 'react-native-localytics', :path => '../node_modules/react-native-localytics', :subspecs => [
npm i react-native-localytics


  • Apache-2.0
  • Whatever
  • RoundUp Social, Inc.
  • released 1/3/2017

